Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

An International Backlash against Extremism is a Crying Need

The world is encountered with the deplorable prospect of extremism that can cause destruction of life and property on a scale far beyond our imagination. If the world does not adopt a serious strategy, the possibility exists that the conflagration will spread and envelop the world. Much thought has been given to ways and means of repressing terrorism and preventing this catastrophe, yet the mechanisms failed to bear the desired fruit. It is believed that a firm decision is not taken universally to liquidate the terrorists and al-Qaeda groups.

The eruption of dogmatism and religious stereotypes blackmail the Islamic countries and a sense of worry permeated around the globe. As a result, a report says that U.S. President Barack Obama sent Congress his text on Wednesday for an authorization to use military force in the campaign against Islamic State, limiting operations against the militants to three years and barring use of U.S. troops in “enduring offensive ground combat.” According to the text, Obama also wants to repeal the 2002 measure that authorized the Iraq war. But his proposal leaves in place a 2001 authorization, passed shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks, for a campaign against Al-Qaeda and its affiliates. “Obama said he remained committed to working with Congress to ‘refine, and ultimately repeal’ the 2001 AUMF. He said enacting a measure specific to the campaign against Islamic State fighters could serve as a model for revamping the 2001 measure.” The report quotes U.S. President as, “I have directed a comprehensive and sustained strategy to degrade and defeat ISIL Local forces, rather than U.S. military forces, should be deployed to conduct such operations.”   

Based on another report, Obama has defended his authority to lead an international coalition against Islamic State since Aug. 8 when U.S. fighter jets began attacking the jihadists in Iraq. “But he has faced criticism for failing to seek the backing of Congress, where some accuse him of breaching his constitutional authority. Facing pressure to let lawmakers weigh in on an issue as important as the deployment of troops and chastened by elections that handed power in Congress to Republicans, he said in November he would request formal authorization for the use of military force (AUMF).” The report adds that Secretary of State John Kerry, who spent nearly three decades in the U.S. Senate, said in a statement it was important that the administration work with Congress to secure its passage. The coalition fighting Islamic State will be stronger if it is passed. “The world needs to hear that the United States speaks with one voice in the fight against ISIL.”

It is beyond doubt that the inviolable rights of mankind, such as rights to life, freedom and estate, have been violated in the worst possible way by religious extremists. The Islamic world, particularly Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria and Nigeria, are suffering violence and bloodshed relentlessly. To our unmitigated chagrin, the mortality rate among the victims is extremely high and continues unabated – without an effective reaction from the international community. The cruelties and barbarities, carried out by members of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Taliban and al-Qaeda groups, are the hackneyed phrases making headlines on national and international newspapers. Their oppressions run the gamut of kidnapping, mutilating, dishonoring women, burying alive the mankind, etc. which have outraged the man’s conscience.

Based on the anthropological ideologies of religious fundamentalists, since Islamic societies shake hands of friendship with non-Islamic countries, they do not follow the Prophet’s footsteps. They argue that Muslims must follow the patterns of Prophet’s behavior in extreme manner. In other words, they practice inflexible ideology and make abortive attempts to impose their stereotypes on others by hook or by crook.

They will wreck havoc on the world, but imposing their ideas via violence and bloodshed is impossible. They must note that during the charismatic government of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the Christians and Jewish also resided Islamic territory. Based on historical witness, the Holy Prophet signed peace contract with the heads of non-Islamic countries. He never persevered to impose religious beliefs with the force of spur rather he captured the minds and hearts of people with the charm of rightful words and guiding verses of Sacred Book. The Prophet (PBUH) showed great tolerance to his sworn enemies and had mercy over them. His kind attitudes and humanitarian feelings influenced people deeply.

Throughout the history, people suffered under the mendacious claims of religiosity both in Eastern and Western countries – which led to the emergence of Protestant in Europe concluded with bloody wars especially the Thirty Years’ War of Westphalia. People were exploited under the yoke of fallacious alleges of Pop, in West, and Sultan, in East. The hapless individuals had to grin and bear it. Ultimately, people lost their patience and protested against the discrimination and oppression victimized them for many centuries. Hence, will people let the history repeats itself in East?

The religious extremists must know that the people will never fall for their bogus claims or yield to their violence and dictatorship. Their ideology and cruelty are anathema to public beliefs. In another item, the inhuman acts, moral corruption and anti-Islamic practices of the radical Islamists are highly nauseating for Muslims and for the world. Hence, the world is urged to adopt and effective strategy to root out the extremism and terrorism.