Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Afghanistan and The Valentine’s Day Debate

With every passing year, the celebrations or in true sense, the useless discussion about Valentine’s Day is increasing in our country and it is gradually getting the shape of another matter that is going to divide the society into two classes of different mindsets. Valentine’s Day is celebrated all over the world on 14th February as a day of lovers when different lovers send gifts to each other and special gatherings are arranged to celebrate this day.

In a number of countries, where this day is celebrated on a large scale and gifts of billions of dollars are bought and exchanged, the day is not welcomed with a similar reception in Muslim countries of the world. According to majority of the Muslims, Islamic rules don’t permit any such interaction between a couple and this sinful act cannot be tolerated by anyone. With these views, the Muslim world seems to be divided about the issue. On one side are those young members of society who desperately wait for this day and on the other are those, who are willing to go to any extreme to stop this. It would not be correct to claim that no one in Afghanistan is interested in Valentine’s Day and it is not a problem at all but at the same time, it is also a fact that there has not been any visible evidence that this day has been celebrated by some people in the country. However, it is a sad fact that without having any clear proof, there are many who consider themselves to be so-called protectors and saviors of religion and are talking against it on different forms of media.

As the Valentine’s Day was approaching, the discussion got heated up on media as whether this day should be celebrated or not. Majority of the posts and comments on social networking sites showed it to be Non-Islamic and much bitter language and expressions were used against those who celebrate this day. On the other hand, there were also present many who were opposing them due to their extreme behaviors. Unfortunately, it appears that it is going to be another issue in coming years to influence people towards religious extremism and it would be very unfortunate that this small problem should be taken as a divisive factor in our society.

Without having a look at the comments in favor of and against this day, it is again unfortunate that number of people in our society is still high who try to intervene in personal issues of others on the name of religion. In a society like ours, where majority of people are dishonest to their jobs and country, it is like making a fun of religion when people of similar characters should try to implement it on others without proper knowledge. In almost all the comments and posts given on internet, a single fact was badly felt that these posts and comments needed more maturity, compassion and similar traits. On the other hand, it is also a helpless situation that trend of imposing good qualities of religion by a bad strategy not only persists but thrives with every passing day. It is a fact that religion and similar gentle thoughts are related with the internal desire of people and none of it can be imposed by force. If we have to make people realize the importance of religion, it is never going to happen by force. We will have to look for better ideas in this regard.

However, it is also a fact that some media outlets have also acted irresponsibly. If a day or event is against the general desire of majority of people, it falls on the shoulders of media outlets not to give it extraordinary and unnecessary coverage with the intention of some monetary profit. It is a fact that majority of people in Afghanistan are much sentimental about religious issues and they show immediate extreme reaction in this regard so it is needed that media outlets should broadcast programmes that should not be against the wishes and sentiments of the majority. This sensitivity is not shown by media and on the occasion of Valentine’s Day, such programs are shown as if every young couple in the country is actively participating in these celebrations.

The present shape of Valentine’s Day is not acceptable to our society and religion. Our religion strictly prohibits the open interaction of young couples. But it is also unwise to conceal this issue by force and taking an extreme path to tackle it. If young minds are getting attracted to this Western celebration, a proper and well-planned strategy is needed so that they should realize all the evils associated with this celebration. They should realize that it is for their own good if they keep themselves away from this. With this strategy, we would be sure that no one’s feelings would be hurt and there will not be any need of shouting or scolding others. Such mature strategy of mutual respect and understanding would bring a lasting and wise solution to this problem. For this, the intellectual class needs to come forward and not leave the arena empty for those young and emotional minds who are yet to cover a lot of distance to handle such fragile issues carefully.