Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Peace Talks Seems to Crystallize

Afghans have been longing eternal peace for decades. After years of infighting that have claimed awful toll, most Afghans appear to be supportive of a peace process. Formerly, a poll conducted by State Department confirmed this stance. The poll found that 66 percent of Afghans would be acquiescent to amnesty for insurgents if it paved the way for a peace deal. The newly installed government in Kabul affirms security the top most precedence. Nonetheless, the peace dream of Afghans can’t materialize, given multiple factors hindered the way to this triumph. The in-depth trust deficit found between disgruntled factions, served a dominant factor restraining this settlement. Taliban never relied Kabul government to be the sole authority that should be talked, to chart out the future course of action.  

Purposeful, negotiations renders the sole political solution to put an end to this predicament, pleading a trustworthy guarantor. Pakistan can play a significant role, narrowing down the understanding gap by mediating talks between the two factions; government and Taliban. Reportedly, Pakistan enjoys good ties with Afghan Taliban, who disbanded their ties with Pakistani faction of Taliban.

Previously it was reported by credible media that Afghan government and the Taliban were preparing to hold face-to-face talks in the following days as a result of efforts by Pakistan and other stakeholders. The encouragements to initiate talks were received by US representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Daniel Feldman. Reportedly, the U.S would not be part of the upcoming talks, with exception of backing the fresh moves for the political solution, said the report. The report added that efforts were being made to arrange the talks in Kabul in an effort to show that the process is Afghan-led and Afghan-owned. It is hastened to initiate talks before Taliban’s spring offensive begin, provided the first round talks focusing on ceasefire.

Nonetheless, earlier came forth rejecting reports regarding talks with the Afghan government; stating they had neither contacted the authorities nor asked anyone else to carry forth the task. This denial surfaced subsequent to former emergence of report of peace talks between Taliban and Afghan government.

Following the successive developments, Afghan Taliban and the government are about to devise a roadmap to finalize peace talk. The Pakistani army and diplomatic officials in their previous visit to Afghanistan had declared Afghan Taliban have signaled their willingness to initiate peace talks. According to report surfaced the venue is still undecided; preferably out of Islamabad, Kabul, Beijing or Dubai one might be chosen where talks could further.

The aforesaid progression bridges the credibility of the former report stating the Government of National Unity had offered posts to senior former Taliban leaders in the new cabinet which were not formally announced. It is said that the Government of National Unity had considered offering posts of the Ministry of Rural Affairs, the borders and Hajj and Religious Affairs, besides appointing Taliban governors to three southern provinces –Nimruz, Kandahar and Helmand. It’s a good omen that broad based reconciliation between Afghan government and Taliban could bring true the “peace” dream of ordinary masses of this piece of land.

Following the traces of entire political proceedings, and appreciation descended from President Obama reflects the stage is set to execute the talks. There are tangible evidences that support the smoothening of rout to both formation and finalization of peace talks. Formerly, US unlabeled Taliban terrorist but termed them insurgents; lifted travel ban and made Pakistan initiate talks with them.

There are vital developments witnessed echoing even in constitutional avenues of US and elsewhere. It should be to none surprise, US tempts not to call Taliban, terrorists now onward, given, formerly the White House issues statement, reiterating that the Taliban were not a terrorist outfit while Al Qaeda is. The distinction carved underlines; the US’s deep rooted global interests are endangered by later than former. Broadly speaking it seems to be a sub plan of another master plan where Taliban are given space to join back the political domain and disband militancy.

There are some hard born reservations Taliban still assert to be primarily considered on peace talks agenda; they eye constitution to be Islamized, Taliban be given greater share in the new setup. The government displayed complete silence about over all developments. Earlier, the presidential palace had said the nation would be informed about major developments in talks with the armed opponents.

Reconciliation leading to installment of peace is the ultimate necessity every Afghan longs for over decades. In order to look at the feasibility of restoration of the stalled peace process, and its durability we have to consider some ground realities in consideration. Putting a glance at the political outlook of Afghanistan, chaotic state of delusion is reflected. The incumbent government tries to push for peace talks whilst insurgents resorted to parallel bloodletting must be kept in consideration. It is believed that lasting can only be installed given all factions of the decade long conflict is brought to common terms.

Even if talks were to be used as a last resort to install peace then some serious breakthrough must have worked out that could soothe the insurgents to an agreeable demand prior to sitting. The most significant are the demonstration of shift instilled in Taliban’s resolve to disband militancy, dissociate Al-Qaida and surrender to constitution of the country. This move practically is unachievable given that Taliban deem to having upper hand in the fight, never surrender to government’s demands instead dreams of ousting Kabul government.