Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Reforms in Public Offices; An Appreciable Stance

Afghanistan’s political culture, produced and reproduced during more than a century of failed attempts to build a strong centralized and often tribalized nation-state in a multi-ethnic Afghanistan, gives Afghanistan’s political culture its distinctive dynamics and outcome. It is also to hypothesize that socio-culturally inappropriate governance system based on centralization of powers; combined with Afghanistan’s predominantly tribal political culture may have hindered the establishment of an effective governance system.

Factually stating every institution of public sector is suffering from mal-administration and worst corruption. The people reluctantly visit these institutions because they know the truants and dishonest elements would not lend a helping hand to them. Even for public utilities task, people have to offer bribe. Without any favor or bribe it s very difficult to get any work done from the public offices. Moreover, due to the malpractices of the public officials and misappropriation of public funds the infrastructure of public institutions has become cracked and a situation like chaos is prevailing all over the country. The government consequently, has to take an overwhelming tread to overhaul the affairs of every department.

Previously it was reported most of the diplomats and senior officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were family members and relatives of government officials and lawmakers. It found that their appointments appeared to be based on nepotism and against rules and merit policy. Following the emergence of report President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani ordered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) to sack officials appointed on the basis of nepotism. It was later reported at least 40 Afghan diplomats, including 11ambassadors, have been dismissed “on the basis of their tenure and age and not meeting the required criteria”. It is indeed a great spirit of statesmanship exercised by president, taking judicious action against illegal appointments.

Afghanistan for long has been passing through war and bloodshed. The four decades of war have earned nothing except ruins, countless miseries and devastation for poor masses. The ruins wreaked by war are multiplied by a degree of nepotism and favoritism displayed public officials. Consequently, no significant progress has been made despite elongated international efforts made to alter Afghanistan’s socio-political culture.

A society may be one in which all the members, may be of the same ethnic group, subscribe to similar religious beliefs and in which disparities of wealth and social status are small. Another society may be multi-racial, have many religious and sectarian groups, and show marked caste, class and social distinctions; Afghanistan being such a society. In the former, decision-taking may be simple, whereas in the latter the conflict potential is much greater and its politics may, consequently, be more acrimonious and decision-taking result from the interaction of numerous clearly defined groups. Whatever the social environment, the relationships existing in non-political spheres may be expected to carry over into the political. There is, thus, a continuous interaction between the physical, social and political endeavors. It is hence, the cabinet picks emboldened the complications of incumbent government.

The individual members of the society will have certain values, beliefs and emotional attitudes which make up the culture the community of which political attitudes are a part. Such social behavior has its basis in the culture of a society and, similarly, political behavior has its basis in the political culture. Unluckily, what we witness is, the values have altered in the blind pursuit of some undefined eminence using an illicit course of action. Henceforth the government has to take concrete measure to get socio-political values we pursue, streamlined.

Of the primary requisites is accountability is a key tenet of good governance. Who is accountable for what should be documented in policy statements. In general, a government is accountable to those who will be affected by its decisions or actions as well as the applicable rules of law. It should ensure every individual finds an opportunity in public departments. Participation by both men and women, either directly or through legitimate representatives, is a key cornerstone of good governance. Participation needs to be informed and organized, including freedom of expression and assiduous concern for the best interests of the government and society in general.

Economic and political stability are deeply interlinked. Without one the other cannot be obtained, so government must evolve strait and requires a major re-structuring. Then continuity of policy is required without which, no result would be obtained. People must be educated without which they cannot protect their rights. Media can play a vital role in creating awareness among people regarding their problems and their solutions. In this way people would be able to demand their rights and will perform their duties in a more organized way. Thus, we can say without proper civic sense good and effective governance cannot be obtained.

If a country is poorly governed and there is a political instability, its enemies find opportunities in this situation and try to undermine it. While a badly governed country has many other problems to solve, it cannot ensure its security. A good governed country is economically strong and all the departments of the country function smoothly. It enables the rulers to strengthen the country’s security.

The continuity of the good socio-political culture exempted of ill-practices even in the face of such occurrences and alterations, is a sign of the effectiveness of the process by which political culture is passed from generation to generation—the nurturing process of political culture.