Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

US-Afghanistan Relation Revitalized

Subsequent to resuming office of presidency, the two, head of state Ghani and the head of government Abdullah have made frequent visits to different countries in the bid to draw their politico-economical support. At present the two premiers are hailed in Unites States of America, a potential state chasing the terrorists and supporting democracy in the nascent democratic state of Afghanistan. During his six-day trip, president Ghani met his US counterpart Barak Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, other administrative officials including congressmen, the Institute of Peace and Atlantic Council the following days.

The two heads of state are expected to discuss scores of issues ranging from strategic, security, diplomatic, and economic relationship and plan to pace the US troop withdrawal. One of the core issue that earned vital importance earlier during the talks was making the US slow down its troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. Serving the request put forth by president Ghani, the US President Obama later in joint White House news conference announced his decision to keep its current 9,800-strong force there until the end of the year, without a change in end mission planned in 2016. Some of the officials are with the view that President Obama’s decision to maintain troop levels in Afghanistan till the end of 2015 is partly designed to encourage American counterterrorism efforts in Afghanistan, including the Central Intelligence Agency’s ability to conduct secret drone strikes and other paramilitary operations from United States military bases.

Earlier the United States was due to reduce its 10,000 troops to 5,500 by December, but that number was expected to be reassessed. It was said that post U.S withdrawal 10,000 troops would be left behind to look after security of US embassy and officials. It’s also said that the U.S. would keep the Kandahar Airbase in southern Afghanistan and Jalalabad Airbase in eastern Afghanistan open till the end 2015, which was earlier planned to be closed. Jalalabad has been the primary base used by the C.I.A. to conduct drone strikes in the tribal areas of Pakistan including the edge-cut assassination of Osama bin Laden in Abbotabad earlier. Since then the drone operation were relocated in Jalalabad.

The trip is also seen as an important step toward mending relations between the United States and Afghanistan, which was ruined towards the end of former president Hamid Karzai’s ten-year rule. Ghani needs to draw US undeterred support in its fight against the Taliban and other insurgent groups, including an Islamic State affiliate, which he fears is finding a foothold in Afghanistan. In the meanwhile, the president displayed an exceptional resolve to defeat the evil of terrorism and remain committed do away with terrorism which is seemingly affirming its foothold. It’s therefore; Ghani urged a slower drawdown, warning about the security environment and emergence of ISIS-affiliated fighters.

Another problem Afghanistan faces needs to be put to the table is the persistent financial assistance its huge military needs. US have reserved its status of being major donor country, whose financial support has helped Afghanistan run its socio-political and economical matters.

Afghanistan at the moment fears about military operation in tribal areas of Pakistan that pushes a major series of global terrorist networks is the concern expressed by president Ghani. In order to do away with this very problem Afghanistan should increase its surveillance at the borders areas and movements of individual should be closely checked. The US can help Afghanistan in getting out of the said emerging woes of infiltrating Taliban and ISIS by assisting and advising Afghan forces. Both the states Afghanistan and Pakistan shouldn’t let terrorist use its border areas for vested interest of other.

It is assumed, in the light of nexus found between Afghan Taliban and Pakistan, she could play vital role in persuading Taliban for peace talks. As witnessed Pakistan accordingly is playing its due part in carrying forth talks given certain rounds of informal proposition surfaced earlier. The objective is to make the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan more open and more secure and then help “connect South Asia to Central Asia,” as Mr. Ghani put it during his first trip to Pakistan last fall.

The U.S. government, for its part, has already taken steps to facilitate negotiations between the Afghan government and the Taliban. In addition to announcing the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, it has sanctioned the names of some Taliban leaders from a Bush administration-era blacklist. It has supported differentiating the U.N. sanctions that apply to Al Qaeda from those that apply to the Taliban, so as to allow the lifting of travel bans on members of the Taliban. Washington has also transferred some Taliban leaders from the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, to Qatar.

The U.S. government must exercise its influence in the greater interest of peaceful and politically durable Afghanistan by leaving no stone unturned in bringing all the factions on the table of negotiations. Afghanistan has to make it certain, all aid military civilian aids received will descend to reorganization of democratic institutions and development of every part of far stretched land. The urban and rural centers equally given priority will turn Afghanistan into a dignified and indomitable country in the world. Afghanistan and US ties are reinforced after “Enduring Strategic partnership Agreement” was established in 2012, that laid the foundation of long-lasting relationship post US draw down. It should be ascertained the two partners will fully utilize every single opportunity getting the war-torn Afghanistan rid of some if not all problems.