Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Stupid Comedy Programs of Television Channels!

Some of the programs on our television channels are adding to the mental depression and deterioration of general humor. There are such programs on almost all the channels of our country. These so-called comedy programs were meant to refresh the minds of people and provide them with a fresh air of relief and entertainment but unfortunately, they seem to be doing the exact opposite. In these programs, very cheap jokes are cut, people on the roads are disturbed, good members of the society are being made fun of or scolded badly and other things are done on the name of comedy. Thanks to the democracy and freedom of speech, there is no one to stop them or do any kind of check and balance.

One of such examples was a comedy short clip shown on a private television which is a cartoon’s channel with major audience of children. In this video clip, that was shown repeatedly many times of the day, a joker is shown who tries to do funny acts but in fact, these acts are much stupid and gives really negative message to the viewers and unfortunately, in this case, the majority of the viewers are children whose innocent minds are getting hurt by these jokes. In these jokes, the joker falls from the walls, burns his hand, chases a car and then falls on the way and in the background, children of a school are shown laughing on these acts. It just gives a message that we should laugh on the miseries of others.

Another comedy program of a private televion is more or less a parody of a similar program famous the world over and is shown on almost all the channels of the world. In its international version, innocent jokes are cut to the people unaware of the program and a hidden camera records their surprising and impressive reactions on such occasions. Later on, the participants of the program are informed about the joke and are thanked for their participation and in this way, the whole process ends smoothly. In the above said, similar act is done but in a very stupid and improper manner creating a lot of problems to the passerby and the general public. In this program, a camera is hidden and one actor goes to the roads of Kabul city. Mostly, he acts like a stupid or crazy person, trying to hit the people. He then takes a stick in his hand and starts chasing the people to hit them. Fearing the stick, people run and the actor chases them. In the background, the sounds of laughter are given which means that audience should laugh on these acts when innocent passerby are disturbed, chased, hit and humiliated in front of the public. In another program, the actor goes out on the streets and pulls the caps, waistcoat and clothes of people. Once again, people run away from them and in this way, tries to run away from the evil of the actor. This program also gives a message that we should disturb others and laugh on their miseries.

Internationally, there are many famous and successful comedy programs but in all these programs, it is taken care that no one’s feelings should be hurt or people should not be disturbed. Such programs give good messages as to show respect to others, respect their privacy and laugh on matters that are truly worth laughing. On the other hand, our comedy programs give absolutely negative messages which includes of insulting others, laugh on their miseries and other similar things. It is the reason why, the effects of these programs can also be seen in our streets and bazaars when people laugh on petty and stupid things and on their miseries. In the same way, they make fun of others and laugh on them.

The senior and most respected actors laugh on the guests and the audience and often leaves them in embarrassing situations. While watching this program as well, one feels much disturbed on a number of occasions.

In all these programs, the thing that is felt badly is the lack of respect to the personality and emotions of people. The actors regard themselves far higher and noble than the general public and play with their emotions without considering the pain that they inflict on them.

The biggest problem that seems to be working behind these programs is the lack of ideas and emotions. In a program famous the world over by the name of ‘bloopers’ such acts are shown but we see that they always bring new ideas that are funny but never play with the emotions and self-respect of people. These programs not only provide with healthy entertainment but also act in building the character of people by giving them a positive message about the comedy and fun.

It is necessary that the producers and the owners of these television channels should check the complaints regarding the above said and many other comedy programs shown from different television channels. We also request the Ministry of Cultural affairs to interfere and check the contents of these programs.