Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Before They Leave Afghanistan

As the United State and its allies are mulling to decrease their role and troops from Afghanistan, Taliban are intensifying their operations. Reports say, the US has conducted several sessions of talks with Taliban to resolve the Afghan conflict through a political way. But Taliban have rejected these reports saying, there are no negotiations in place with anyone and the holy war will continue until complete victory is gained in Afghanistan. It is believed since long that the troops' drawdown plans of the allies fighting in Afghanistan, has bolstered the Taliban fighters morally and psychologically.

The Taliban are provided, now, with more finance and equipment by countries that hate West and deem its presence in Afghanistan as a threat to their national security.

New U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta during his recent visit to Afghanistan said, ""We are within reach of strategically defeating Al-Qaeda and I'm hoping to be able to focus on that, working obviously with my prior agency as well." US may be close to defeat Al-Qaida but Taliban have become strong posing serious security problems in Afghanistan and the region.

Recent activities of the Taliban signal it quite clearly: During the last two days more than 24 Afghan security forces have been killed and injured in various parts of the country, on Saturday, a Taliban-linked personnel of Afghan intelligence killed two NATO soldiers in Panjsher, on Sunday two bomb blasts in Kandahar killed and injured seven people, in another blast the governor of Moqor district of Ghazni was killed, out of 28 De-miner workers kidnapped last week 7 were found beheaded and ISAF says three foreign soldier were killed in recent attacks by insurgent in south-east of Afghanistan.

Despite all these, according to the outgoing US Commander of US and NATO forces, General David Petraeus, the insurgents' attacks in the months of May and June have decreased as compared to the same months of the last year and the same is being in the current month.

Security situation is getting deteriorated with each passing day. Before it leaves Afghanistan, it is very vital for the international community to make situation move towards betterment and assure the Afghans' future will not fall in the hands of Taliban once again.