Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Security must be Prioritized

The incident of the last week which resulted in the death of 30 Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers was really very tragic. Taliban insurgents ruthlessly targeted ANA soldiers in Badakhshan province and beheaded 8 of the soldiers and killed 22 others. The incident left everyone gloomy and soon there were concerns about the security in the area and at the same time the demands have arisen that ANA should launch a cleanup offensive before the situation gets out of hand.

Ministry of Interior (MoI) on Friday, April 17, mentioned that a cleanup offensive would be initiated in the restive Juram and Warduj districts of Badakhshan province to purge the area of anti-state elements. Earlier, the Interior Minister Noor-ul-Haq Ulomi had visited the province to assess the security situation after the tragic incident of the killing of ANA soldiers.

MoI spokesman Sadiq Sadiqi said that Noor-ul-Haq Ulomi had a detailed meeting with local people during his visit to the locality. He directed the security forces to flush out militants from the area. He also mentioned that the security forces were well-equipped in the districts however he mentioned that close coordination was required among various security organs to ward-off any threat efficiently.

It is important for the government now that it has to prove that it really has the capability to control the situation in the province. It has to have well-calculated assessment of the situation and then launch a comprehensive military operation in the areas where the insurgents are trying to strengthen their hold and becoming a danger for the Afghan security forces and the innocent civilians.

The civilians as the Interior Minister has mentioned must cooperate with Afghan security forces as it would be really difficult for the government to defeat the insurgents without their cooperation. If, people as a whole, get committed that they would not provide safe haven to the insurgents and then the Afghan security forces launch its cleanup operation, there is no way insurgents can escape. Afghan security forces now have the required capabilities to fight insurgents and even defeat them.  

Afghan security forces have gained much strength and capabilities in the last few years and now as the security responsibilities have completely been transferred to them, they face myriads of challenges. They would need the support of international community in this regard and there are possibilities that if they are backed and supported appropriately, they would be able to face these challenges with success.

The Train Advise Assist Comman (TAAC) North Commander, Brig. Gen. Andreas Hahnemann, talking on Thursday, April 16, with reporters in Mazar-i-Sharif that Afghan security forces are capable to defeat the enemies even though they were dangerous. He said that the militants would try to expand activities this summer but Afghan forces were well-trained to frustrate their designs. Commenting on Badakhshan and Balkh incidents, he said that though casualties were part of battle, the important fact was the manner the Afghan forces fought. He also mentioned that the international forces would not leave Afghanistan alone. Afghan forces, especially Afghan Air Force would require more assistance regarding training and equipment and international forces have been trying to provide them these requirements.

Definitely, in war against terrorism and terrorists, it is very important that the support of international troops must not diminish. Afghan Air Force can play a very important role in the fight against Taliban insurgents in the times to come. Strengthening and equipping it properly can guarantee the victory of Afghan forces. In addition, it is also important that Afghan forces must be trained enough to administer the equipment and technology that they will receive.

The victimization of the Afghan forces and common people because of insecurity in different parts of the country is really a serious matter and must be dealt as a top priority matter. Some of the recent incidents in the country clearly showed that the lives of important and innocent lives are in danger and the Taliban are mainly responsible for it. The incidents showed that Taliban have started their Spring Offensive and this year it may be very challenging to face them. Moreover, the butchery shown in the incidents are really heinous and there have to be serious steps to counter them otherwise they would threaten the lives of the people to a great extent. 

Though the steps to maintain security at present is a top priority, long-term efforts to restore peace must never be forgotten. There are two important sectors that Afghanistan must concentrate on and must make improvements in so as to make their journey swift and easy in their long-term journey towards peace and tranquility. One of them is the peace process and the other is the political stability in the country. Unfortunately, various developments are required in both the sectors. The peace process, at the moment, is not on the track and currently there are no evident dialogues underway between Taliban and Afghan government regarding this process. Moreover, Taliban have continued the insurgency and have given no clear consent about peace talks they have, in fact, completely neglected the calls for peace.

The other sector that Afghanistan needs to work on to a great extent is its political stability. It needs to strengthen its political institutions and must carry on the democratic processes and culture with consistent efforts, otherwise achieving peace and tranquility will remain just a dream.