Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Unsettled Issue Causing Loss to the Country

The parliamentarians of Afghanistan, in patriotic move, cancelled their summer vacation and devoted their vacation to resolving critical issues that has placed the country at an important juncture. This measure of MPs should be acclaimed – national interests should always be taken heavier than personal ones. The parliament, today, faces serious obstructions many of which started with 2010 parliamentary elections. The people have expectations from parliament and hope the votes they cast at the cost of their lives will not go futile. The role of MPs in bringing our country out of troubles is conceived as vital and it is far impossible for them to reach the expectation of the people without working solely for Afghanistan.

The parliament has also decided to form a commission to support the constitutional law of Afghanistan. Law making, its implementation and monitoring fall among the basic functions of a parliament. Formation of Constitution Support Commission by Afghan parliament at times when the lawmakers have turned into lawbreakers is the need of time.

It is in the benefit of development of Afghanistan that the government and parliament work in a unified way. But the gap between parliament and Karzai administration has gone widening which is causing severe losses to our national interests. The formation of special court by Karzai to investigate frauds in the last year's parliamentary elections and announcement of this court to unseat 62 members of the parliament is considered the main reason for the conflict between house of representative and Karzai's office.

Karzai has also turned a deaf ear to the demand of parliament in regards of introducing the remaining members of his cabinet and firing the Attorney General. At the same time the parliament has announced its opposition to holding a tradition Loya Jirga (grand assembly). This has added fuel to the fire.

The parliament needs to signal its legal strength. The key to all issues is not only in the hands of President Karzai and therefore, the MPs are expected to work effectively in moving the government and the nation towards right directions.