Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

The Waning Tranquility

The tranquility in major provinces of Afghanistan is once again waning as insurgents have intensified their attacks. With the start of spring every year Taliban insurgents start their Spring Offensive and this year they have started it with some very horrible attacks in different parts of the country. People had not forgotten the attacks in Badakhshan and Balkh when they had to hear the tragic news about the incident in Jalalabad.

A horrifying attack in front of Kabul Bank in Jalalabad City, the capital of Nangarhar province on Saturday, April 18, left around 34 people dead and around 127 others injured. According to news reports the attack was a suicide attack and the suicide bomber riding a motor bike exploded himself in front of the bank, killing mostly the civilians. The attack was really cowardly as it was intended to kill civilians, mostly government employees who were to receive their salaries from the bank.  

Another blast in the city took place near Doki Baba Shrine, close to the department of information and culture; fortunately, it did not result in any casualties but two poor children were, ill-fatedly, wounded in the explosion.

The persecution of the Afghan people because of insecurity in various parts of the country is really a serious problem and must be dealt as a top priority matter. Some of the current events in the country clearly exposed that the lives of the civilians are at risk and the Taliban are chiefly responsible for it. The incidents showed that Taliban have started targeting the civilians directly. Moreover, the butchery shown in the incidents are really heinous and there have to be serious steps to counter them otherwise they would threaten the lives of the common people to a great extent. 

Taliban, on various occasions, have claimed that they would not target the civilians directly but the reality is totally against what is claimed by them. Recent UN report has also revealed that most of the civilian killings are because of Taliban insurgents. Civilian killings, therefore, clearly depict that Taliban do not care much about the civilian casualties; what they mostly care about is their threat and dominancy over the security arrangements. Regrettably, they chase their objectives through the cowardly means of targeting the innocent civilians.

Different attacks, bombings, shootings and suicide bombings of the vicious guardians of the so-called holy war have only been able to target the children, women and non-military figures. With the presence of such facts, it is weird to find Taliban calling themselves friendly to Afghan people. They have been trying to develop an image of caring and affectionate body that is trying to free the people of Afghanistan from the Western forces. Nonetheless the fact is just on the contrary. They just want supremacy and for that they will never pause to sacrifice the poor Afghan people. If they regain power, it is obvious that Afghan people will under no circumstances have peace, serenity and above all their due rights.

Saturday’s blast has been widely condemned. Afghan government, the Resolute Support mission, UNAMA, civil society and governments of different countries have categorically condemned the ruthless killing of guiltless civilians.

A statement from Presidential Palace on Saturday said that President Ghani condemned the blast in strongest terms and said that bomb blasts in public places are the work of coward, senseless and anti-state elements who don’t have the courage to fight Afghan forces. Similarly, MoI said that these heinous acts go against the values of humanity as well values of peaceful Afghans. These attacks also demonstrate extreme level of atrocity by terrorist against innocent and defenseless civilians.

Though these condemnations are necessary, Afghan government needs to do something more than mere condemnation. It has to understand the fact that the insurgents have become very active and trying to pressurize the government and the people through their cowardly attacks. It has to come up with a practical strategy and strive to use all resources available so as to maintain peace and tranquility in the country and must not let the insurgents gain strength at this crucial juncture.    

The government must pursue peace talks but at the same time it must not remain quiet when the terrorists adopt the path of terror and violence. So as to control their violence, it must use force and let them know that Afghan security forces are in the position to answer them properly if they intend to adopt any path other than peaceful negotiations. In order to bring them to negotiation table it is important that Afghan government must show its strengthen and be able to dictate its own terms and conditions. Invitations of peace alone would never make the negotiations with Taliban a success. Afghan government, in this regard, must stand strong and use both force and diplomacy at the same time.

The lives of the innocent people of Afghanistan stand as the most important consideration and the government has the responsibility to make sure that people live with peace and tranquility and are not sacrificed for some filthy objectives.