Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

National Unity Should Render Our Prime Concern

The great saying, “united we stand divided we fall” is the leading principle, we should subscribe to ensures our life long triumph. Afghanistan is our beloved motherland - exercising the bond of intimacy to magnetize all fragments of Afghan society into single whole. In order to reinforce this vision earlier, President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani in a meeting with tribal elders and religious leaders reiterated greater national unity. The president said the future could be protected only if the nation demonstrates unity. The religious leader should focus to forge unity of the nation during their sermons. We should not unlearn any activity undermining national unity by strengthening the bond of disparity and differences are our birth born unforgiveable rivals.

Following successful formation and finalization of National Unity Government (NUG), the masses begin to eye resolution of multifaceted problems, waiting their fates for years. Previously, President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani revealed the new government had a comprehensive agenda for reforms and change in Afghanistan to peace process, rule of law, good governance, and economic development. While presiding the first session of cabinet meeting Mr. President gave a deadline of 100 days to the ministers to show efficiencies and bring visible change during the laid course of time. Many problems lingered due to delayed cabinet formation given an all-encompassing government usually come across similar problem. The government successfully went past this stage, entering into next stage of getting across these problems. Some of the pleading problems are highlighted below.

Afghanistan faces daunting challenges –poverty one of the challenge pressing it hard. 36% of almost 30 million population lives below poverty line including endemic poverty and lack of human capacity; insecurity; weak governance and institutionalized corruption; opium exports equal to 22% of gross domestic product; rampant gender inequality; and policy, regulatory, and institutional constraints that have limited effective growth in public and private sectors. The government that assumed the office must work out tangible plans - downsizing the problems.

Despite countless challenges left to the new government to face, financial management will be the biggest problem pleading immediate attention. To provide a sustainable backup to its financial needs, the government relies on loans accompanied with handsome amount of interest. High ranked public officials senior politicians involved in bank scandals and corruption, seemed not the government’s concern or priority. Consequently, multiple unresolved problems were left to the new government. According to finance commission head, the total loans amounted 2 billion Afghanis which were received from World Bank (WB) nine times, Asian Development Bank (ADB) 14 times, once from IMF, Islamic Development Bank (IDB) four times and Saudi Arabia Monitory Agency two times. A handsome amount our revenue is earmarked for interest of these loans.

It should be learned that Afghanistan cannot develop without a sustainable economical road map drawn and implemented that grants them financial independence. The state of self reliance can only be achieved when heavy investments are made in the field of human resource developmental programs.

In addition to financial independence, Afghanistan is in dire need of socio-political assistance and trained official in all fields of human endeavors. Any country extending selfless services must be warmly received. In that pursuit a cordial relationship must be developed and tried to preserve the previous ones. Afghanistan was pushed to directionless avenues of battered relation with international community; certainly serve not Afghanistan’s interest.

The deteriorating state of security remains to be another obstacle on the way to unbeaten Afghanistan. Violence has been a dominant phenomenon browbeating every fabric of Afghan society. The fight between insurgents and government backed international allies seems unending provided civilians are not ended. Harmony promoting education and equitable distribution of resources and services narrows down the differences whilst paving the way for peaceful coexistence. There is a documented existence of law and with negligible application or prejudicial application, serve none’s interest.

Another issue earning bad fame for Afghans is the illicit growth and trade of life snatching drug. Many countries and humanitarian organization showed grave concerns over mass production of the drug. Moreover, the illegal drug trade has always served a part in deterioration of law and order and a prior asset of insurgents and militant. Reportedly, the illegal drug has been greater source, serving financial affairs of militancy and insurgency.  The government of Afghanistan instead of relying on international community must work out genuine means tackling maintenance of law and devise legitimate and standard procedure of prosecution. The US official stressed the strategy must address alternative development, eradication, investigation, interdiction, prosecution, incarceration and then the so-called soft-side programs of awareness, treatment and rehabilitation.

Afghanistan is the land of treasure that is buried deep down in its heart. The unexplored rich earthly resources capable of earning socio-economic possessions for the state, are not taken the advantage of, underlines the negligence if not the incompetence of ruling elites. Afghanistan’s youth and resources are potential valuable assets that can earn financial support to its declining but dependent economy.

Putting cognitive abilities into practice the public officials can reduce the size of problems if can not eradicate them. The politicians representing their electoral constitution not necessarily should come up to the expectation of their Electoral College but to the voice of faithfulness and sanity. The government and public officials must realize, the dream of a vibrant, progressive, developed Afghanistan can only materialize, provided a handsome amount of budget is allocated for education, health, infrastructure and governance. We must learn it that a healthy, literate and well-governed Afghanistan is a secure and developed Afghanistan.