Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Growing Instability

Terrorism is an illegal and unlawful in nature with a purpose of creating fear and panic in the minds and psyche of people at large, to make the masses feel impotent and helpless, to discourage rational thinking and to lead to a reactionary tendency in the people.

Deteriorating security condition, escalating insurgency, militancy, talibanization and worsening state of law and order are the immediate common issues; Afghanistan is passing through these days. Terrorism is a hazard for mankind. Afghanistan faces the problems of poverty, population, hunger and illiteracy. But spread of terrorism has been the most frightening of all. Terrorism is the cruelest of crimes which kills less criminals but more innocent citizens. The news of successful terror attacks in some countries with inclusion to Afghanistan makes us take in that the terrorists have grown unbeatable.

Nobody would need to expose the violent nature of Taliban as they themselves have clearly shown through different ways.

These gloomy reports show how insecurity and terrorism have been threatening the lives of the common people in Afghanistan. The common people, after suffering from decades of war and bloodshed deserve a relatively peaceful life. They have given so many sacrifices and now they hope that they would have tranquil life in the times to come. However, there is no guarantee that their hopes would turn into reality.

The common masses in Afghanistan must bother about the deterioration in security as they are basically the ones who have been suffering and may suffer to a further extent if instability and terrorism prevail in the country. It is really pathetic to see the civilians losing their lives when they have nothing to do with the war. In the economically unstable and war-torn country like Afghanistan, people have not only suffered the hardships of the poor and miserable lives but also the horrors of war. They have been killed mercilessly as if their lives do not have any value or meaning the state security apparatus.

According to a reports, Taliban insurgents attacked a volleyball ground in Paktia province on Thursday May 07, 2015, killing at least two persons, injuring six and taking away dozens others. Deputy governor Abdul Wali Sahi said that the attack took place in Shagi area of the Zazi Aryub district adding that the Taliban fighters opened fire the playground, killing two persons, including a policeman who was in civilian dress.

Three children and as many women were also injured when the insurgents resorted to firing in the air, the deputy governor said.

The security situation in Afghanistan is getting really serious and it is very important to consider the situation seriously. The Taliban insurgents have become so much bold and active that they are not afraid of targeting even the most guarded places and they have become so cowardly that they are not afraid of targeting the civilians more frequently now. The recent attacks showed that Taliban have no mercy to anyone and they would take every possible step to help the situation deteriorate in the country.

Terrorism has become a headache for the government and a nightmare for public. Though, it is a global issue but Afghanistan has to bear the brunt of it. This daunting situation is caused due to several factors. These factors include social injustice, economic disparity, political instability, religious intolerance and also external hands or international conspiracies. A handful of people who have their vicious interests to fulfill have not only taken countless innocent lives but also distorted the real image of Islam before the world through their heinous acts. Terrorist acts like suicide bombings have become a norm of the day. On account of these attacks Afghanistan is suffering from ineffaceable loss ranging from civilian to economic. People have become numerical figures, blown up in numbers every now and then. Terrorists have not spared any place. Bazaars, mosques, educational institutes, offices, hotels, roadside no place are safe anymore. Terrorists resort to various ways to accomplish these goals like planting crude home-made bombs, hand-grenades or other explosives in a shopping centre, hotels or a crowded place like a bus stand or even a bus, train or airplane, kidnapping, assassination or hijacking. Different terrorist activities all over the world may have different aims, but a few goals, common to all may be underlined. It may be because they want a regime to react or they intend to mobilize a mass support through fear, to eliminate opponents or enemies or to magnify their cause. This tactic is popularly used by Taliban.

Terrorism is a problem which the country has been continuously facing for more than a decade but now has emerged as a global problem against which an internationally united battle has to be fought incessantly.

The innocent people of Afghanistan deserve better and the Afghan government and the international community must ensure to them a better future.

World leaders and Afghanistan elders should believe that global fairness, peace and human dignity is in the best interest of the global community and terrorism is the greatest menace to Afghanistan causing instability, thus must be curbed iron handed.