Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Daesh Turning the Giant Menace?

It is said that Daesh’s quest for establishing Islamic Emarat has earned it adherents in Muslims countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan too. Finding the tale of brutality of this group going wild, many splintered Taliban group exploit the name to further their vested interest –some have already vowed to work for Daesh. The once militant outfits of Taliban and other splintered groups have vowed to fight the cause of the group, of international fame. In Afghanistan it is pulling its muscle to establish its rule in remote and loosely governed territories. There are many tales of atrocities hinting the physical presence of Daesh in this war torn land.  The former spokesperson of Afghan Taliban, Zabiullah Mujaheed along some other commanders has already shifted their allegiance.

Formerly, 45 innocents Ismailis were butchered in the economic hub, Karachi by unknown terrorist. Reportedly, the carriage carrying member of the minority community to work was intercepted by four to six Terrorists who shot them dead in bright day light. The leaflet found at the site hints Daesh being behind the vicious crime. The tales of atrocities surfaced indicate, IS striving to establish its footprints in the region, is alarming and causing existential threat to both countries.

It is an undoubted fact, neither falsehood can be justified by thousands of supporting testimonials, nor can truth be beleaguered by hundreds of lies. Each of the two phenomenon, tend exists with distinct disparity. The establishment of the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) renders one of such deception, anchored on the blood of innocents and unarmed citizens. It is said that the throng of terrorists that stationed in Iraq and Sham from across the world, have surpassed the brutality of Al-Qaida; thus sent a shock impulse over the spine of many states, including the US. It is to be drawn that we should demonstrate zero tolerance against the extremists and insurgents who are doing away piece of mind.

Earlier, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group released a new audio statement in which the group’s leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi calls for recruits from the around the world while calling Islam a religion of fighting. This video is the reinforcement of the former released video that had asked professional Muslims from across the world to move to ISIS owned land and render their services to greater Islamic cause. Nonetheless, the recent video is dreadful, given Muslims are asked to join the rank of Daesh and fight the so called holy war. It is worth noticing ISIS has already drawn large number of foreign with too many European fighters, in.

If pursue the irreversible gain of this group we find rampant and wide use of media is referred as one of the reason behind success story of ISIS. Reportedly, there are at least 46,000 Twitter accounts been linked to supporters of the Islamic State in late 2014, the report commissioned by Google Ideas stated? Analyzing the location embedded in the tweets, the researchers found the largest number of ISIS supporters in Saudi Arabia, followed by Syria, Iraq and the United States. Likewise, relative to the medium of communication, it was uncovered that nearly one in five of the IS supporters tweeted in English, they found, with three quarters tweeting in Arabic. The aforesaid clues are the distinct manifestation of the truth the war IS fights is widely supported by information technology like twitter –used to propagate terror executions. It is feared, the use of social media if kept unchecked and unrestricted, may facilitate terrorists endlessly carrying forth their horrific activities.

The latest audio statement comes as there have been speculations that al-Baghdadi was seriously injured following a US-led airstrike in the month of March and that he is no more leading the terrorist organization. The 35-minute audio message posted on militant websites features a voice that sounds like al-Baghdadi’s urging all Muslims to take up arms and fight on behalf of the group’s self-styled caliphate, as the renowned news agency reported. Referring to Islam as religion of fighting, al-Baghdadi says “Islam was never a religion of peace. No one should believe that the war that we are waging is the war of the Islamic State. It is the war of all Muslims, but the Islamic State is spearheading it. It is the war of Muslims against infidels.”

Here some faction of Taliban have already responded to the call of Caliph of Muslims al-Baghdadi waging war against innocent civilians here in Afghanistan. Earlier, President Ghani accepted the threat looming over this land due terror plots of IS fighters. This undoubtedly is an alarming sign for the state of Afghanistan, already sickened by recurrent attacks launched by local insurgents and militants. Moreover, Afghanistan undeniably serve as a fertile land providing with large number of individuals whose trust can easily be earned, subsequent of assurance of virtues, noble deed and dearness in the sight of Creator. Consequently, it is pretty trouble-free for ISIS, to establish a sound operational ground in this piece of land, hence adding government miseries. The government can not get away with simple renunciation of presence of footprints of ISIS, instead a tangible measure should be put into practice, to get out of this menace; else’s large number religiously betrayed individuals will respond at the call of Amirul Momineen, by joining the ranks of such militants.