The war of NATO in Afghanistan has long been changed into an American war and many NATO members have rolled back and delivered responsibilities to American forces. Initially, both in Afghanistan and Iraq, there was huge enthusiasm and willingness among all NATO members to share burden of the two wars, but that did not last much and soon declined with increasing prevalence of anti-war sentiments which led to mounting civil pressures on respective governments. Both casualty of employed troops in Afghanistan as well as in Iraq and scarcity of military budget were effective in deriving such feelings ahead. When the Media was televising a pierced and burned down body of an army-man, people were turning harsh asking government for what reason their sons and daughters were violently murdered?
But that was the only reason. The scarcity of military budget of these countries was another factor. According to NATO convention, each member has to spend 2 percent of their GDP on military-related issues. But, seemingly, many of these countries are not willing to do so, instead, they prefer to spend their budget on social securities and other welfare program that can effectively heal the sufferings of people at home rather than preparing for bearing responsibility of a likely foreign threat. This issue along with lack of collective military budget for the organization has doubled the problem.
Assuming that many small NATO members even meet the target, but the amount still remains insufficient to provide a strong military establishment, because each country raises an establishment within its own capacity. It means that, though counting NATO military budget collectively becomes huge and enough to raise a somehow strong military establishment to meet fracas in prospective, each members unilaterally provide for separate military organizations which are unable to deal with growing threat.
Without the assistance of the United States of America, NATO is absolutely weak to accomplish a mission out of border or even defend themselves against growing military powers. In The mission of Libya, which is of course a militarily weak country and where the US rolled back and delivered the leadership to leading NATO members like France, Britain, Italy and Germany, it was proved that how NATO was incapable to walk ahead without the US. In his recent statement in Europe, the outgoing US defense Minister, Mr. Robert Gates, boldly criticized NATO members and said that Europeans were American's customer in terms of security, not alliance, which is not much unfamiliar with ground reality in Afghanistan as well as in Iraq.