Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Security Concerns and Challenges

This year the security concerns have grown very serious. There are reports of fighting in different parts of the country and Taliban insurgents have intensified their attacks in the capital Kabul, as well. Though the fighting gets worse during every spring season in the country as Taliban insurgents announce their Spring Offensive, this season it will really test Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and the National Unity Government (NUG). Since the security responsibilities have been transitioned and most of international forces have left the country, Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) are leading the security responsibilities and would require to perform extremely well so as to face the challenges. In the same way, NUG has to prove that it has the capacity and is prepared to face the security challenges. So far, it has been lethargic in doing so as it has not yet formed the cabinet and the Defense Minister and the Chief of Army Staff are yet to be appointed.

Last week, President Ashraf Ghani announced Masoom Stanekzai as the nominee for Defense Minister, but it would take a while before he takes his position and starts performing his responsibilities. However, it must not go unmentioned that there is a crying need of a leader who can lead the Ministry as there has to be comprehensive operation launched against the insurgents so as to challenge their offensive approach, otherwise, they would seriously threaten the security situation and many innocent lives would be taken in the process. In the same way, Afghan army also requires a leader to guide it at this crucial juncture.

As President Ashraf Ghani, himself, said recently, “The nature of terrorism’s has changed. We face terrorism that has entered in a more lethal and systematic framework with having access to more resources. Without a general understanding of the menace, it’s difficult to overcome;” therefore, it is imperative that NUG and ANSF must prepare themselves accordingly and let the insurgents know that they are fully prepared to protect their country and their people.

Few days earlier, Taliban insurgents ruthlessly attacked a hotel in Kabul where they killed 9 foreigners and then a few days later they carried out attacks outside Kabul International Airport and then Ministry of Justice, which resulted in the death of about 10 people. Insurgents have intensified their attacks so as to pressurize the government and compel it to collapse; however, President Ghani has recently mentioned, “I want to have a clear message for everybody. They should never think of collapse of Afghan government.” But, it is important that he must have a clear and practical strategy to deal with the insurgents; verbal insistence alone would not solve the issue.

To deal with the security challenges and to establish lasting peace in the country, President Ashraf Ghani has strived to form ties with Pakistan anew. He has accepted that without the involvement of Pakistan, it is really difficult to convene peace talks with Taliban. In this regard, he has paid visit to Pakistan and Pakistani political and military leaderships have paid few visits to Kabul. Pakistan has also assured to facilitate the talks with Taliban and recently the signing of MoU between the intelligence agencies of the both the countries regarding joint efforts to deal with terrorism has proved to be a large stride. This, however, has given rise to some controversies as well, as most of Afghan parliamentarians and political leaders do not have a good opinion regarding the role of Pakistan intelligence agency,ISI, in Afghanistan. Nonetheless, it has yet to be seen what fruit this deal would produce.     

The most important factor at the moment is that Pakistan must pursue its commitments with true intentions. It has to understand that without combating the terrorism jointly it is impossible to defeat it in both the countries as they share a lengthy and porous border. In words of President Ghani, "We are seeking a lasting peace; peace between Afghanistan and Pakistan and peace among the Afghan government and armed opponents. There is an unexpected hostility between us, an issue which our friends in Pakistan have also accepted, but in reaching to a prosperous future, we need new efforts and joint cooperation, because militancy threats Afghanistan, Pakistan and the whole region." It is also important that both the countries must leave behind the past and renew their efforts in this regard, as President Ghani says, “In order to reach to our future goals, we have to overcome the past. But going forward requires a movement and joint cooperation against the threats.”
There is no doubt in the fact that terrorism is now a regional problem and all the countries in the region must support Afghanistan as it has been suffering the most from its loathsome consequences, but the Afghan government must, itself, make others believe in it and depict that it has a particular strategy and an iron will to combat it. Finding Afghan government committed and prepared, other countries would readily support it.