Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Turn Window of Opportunity into Highway of Cooperation; Ghani’s Letter Reads

The politics of suspicion is ripe in most of the world countries overrun by a quality of governance –often one state doubts another of foul play. It is witnessed following this malicious practice, most of time, energy and resources are allocated in finding the traces of involvement of another state behind every barbarous act the security apparatus fails to foil, instead of enacting strong net of security. This has led to evolution of trust deficit between the engaged countries.

Afghanistan and Pakistan is neighbors whose history is marked with ever changing relation. Afghanistan deems Pakistan behind some if not all of the anguish they are passing through. It is a dominant perception that the faction of Taliban operating against the central government of Kabul is backed by Pakistan. Identically, Pakistan deems Afghan land is used against Pakistan's interest. In that pursuit NDS and ISI earlier, went on signing a MoU that meant of keep a check over security moves of neighboring country in Afghanistan which rendered disagreeable to accused country. Afghanistan for long has been denying the leveled allegation – as it couldn't turn effect to turn the perception in their favor. In order to day away with reservation of Pakistan, formerly, Gen. Murad Ali Murad, Deputy Army chief, reiterated Afghanistan would never allow its soil to be used against neighboring or regional countries. How would this statement assure state of Pakistan, amidst prolonged trust deficit? What kind of assurance are needed to bridge the deteriorated reliance and confidence between the two neighboring country? The restoration of trust between the two states are pivotal to their development, is yet to be placed on top priority. At present this piece of land is passing through serious insecurity –everyday marks deadly attack on government departments and foreign diplomats. The capital and the elsewhere undergoes through wave of heinous attacks that leads to mass civilian causalities. Taliban announced its Spring Offensive in late April followed by a string of deadly attacks in Afghanistan, particularly attacks on guest houses in capital Kabul.

President Ashraf Ghani on the other hand has urged Pakistani authorities to take action against militants who were responsible for the recent spate of violence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan wants Pakistan to use pressure over Afghan Taliban including seizure of terror funds and deprivation from sanctuaries in Pakistan. Formerly, President Ghani has dispatched an open letter to Pakistani Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif mentioning the dos and don'ts in the bid to strengthen bilateral relation.

The letter is a three-page document with the first two pages outlining the issue of insurgency faced by Afghanistan. The third and final page lists his demands. In a confidential letter to Pakistan, Ghani has set out a list of demands in terms of bridging the relationship and ending extremism in the region – with the primary focus being on Afghanistan's security. In the aforesaid letter Ghani listed the following demands, "An official declaration by the political leadership of Pakistan condemning the launching of the Talban offensive, operation; a directive by the military leadership that sanctuary will be denied to the Taliban and effective measures by the security forces and civil authorities that the directive is carried out." At present, Pakistan and Afghanistan does not owe a formal extradition agreement but both routinely ask each other to hand over wanted person.

The letter further reads: "A directive to extend the counter-terror campaign to the Haqqani network and verification that those responsible for the recent terror campaign in Afghanistan are arrested." In addition it states that a directive needs to be issued to "place the leaders of the Quetta Shura and the Peshawar Shura under house arrest and to initiate legal proceedings against them for threatening a friendly state." The two countries must go with making deal handing over the wanted criminals to the wanting country. Doing so, Afghanistan may succeed apprehending Mullah Baradar and Pakistan can seek Mullah Fazullah, who head Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). The dispatch to Sharif does entail an agreement over prisoner's exchange. One of the most crucial demand is venturing a joint operation against those wanted but have sought save sanctuaries across Af-Pak border. Mostly, it has happened Taliban kept on escaping apprehension following the operation launched against by either of the country. The wanted Taliban subsequent to pressure grown have had sought safe haven in either of the country, is the regretting most. This trend must be discouraged once forever –otherwise the fight against terrorism could not be won overwhelmingly. Both Afghanistan and Pakistan are passing through terrorist attacks –every day witness countless innocent render their lives in an aimless war which by the end of day will have no winner and loser. They are the civilians who will bear the brunt of violence.

The two countries situated in the heart of Asia, the emerging economical power of twenty first century, are due to find out eternal solution to their self born issues. The unending skirmish between the two countries based on wrong fixation of problems and accusation and counter accusation may tarnish the economical gains the Asia is about to make within couple of decades if not years. President Ghani displayed an affirmation to renovate the Af-Pak relation on the new avenues stating,"The key problem in relations between the two countries during the last 13 years has been an undeclared condition of hostilities between the two countries," read the letter. In his letter, Ghani referred to his recent trip to Pakistan and saying that there is a window of opportunity that can and should be "broadened to a door, a corridor, a road and eventually into a super highway of cooperation between the two states."