Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Modern Education – A Crying Need

Afghanistan has been one of the unfortunate countries where the continuous trends of wars and conflicts have always affected the other important walks of life to a large extent. Education has been one of the sectors that have been the same sort of victim. Though the education sector has made imperative developments since the downfall of Taliban, there are numerous improvements yet to be made.

According to latest available data, about 50% of men and only 18% of women are able to read and write in Afghanistan. This ratio is not very much satisfactory while keeping in view the fact that the criteria for being included in the mentioned number is only being able to read and write, not educated up to the high levels.

Further, this also does not keep in consideration the necessity of being educated in formal schools and universities which means even out of the mentioned numbers many lack the opportunity of being educated with somewhat modern education. And the ones who are educated through formal schools and universities can not stand in comparison with those educated in the schools and universities in the neighboring countries, leave alone the international standards.

Furthermore, the ratio of the education of females is not very encouraging, which deprives the nation of keeping a very important section of society aloof of this crying need. And let's not forget the fact that if a female is educated, the likelihood of education of an entire family is ascertained as the children are influenced more by mothers. But even this number is achieved by the dint of American and Western influence; otherwise, the orthodox Afghan religious values and the blind fundamentalism of Taliban have had zero tolerance for the female education.

The only other part of Afghan history that had the emphasis for female education was during the Soviet supported government. This shows that the foreigners have offered more for us regarding modern education than we have done ourselves, thus keeping ourselves far behind others, intentionally.

It is, somehow, encouraging to note that about 6 million Afghan students are enrolled in public schools today, out of them 34% are female. And the constitution of the country has also declared education as the right of all Afghan citizens, both male and female.

But it is important to sustain such environment wherein at least two-third of the same number should reach to the level of higher education. For that the most important prerequisite is sustainable peace and tranquility in the region and a modern and scientific approach towards education system. The traditional madressah system would, in the long run, produce more extremists in the country not responsible educated citizens.