Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Parliament Attacked

Monday June 22, 2015 turned to be another unfortunate day for Afghan representatives and masses alike –a loud bang of explosion jolted Kabul city followed by hours of gunfire. The tragic incident took place at about 10.20 AM in the busy morning –the parliament had to undertake a significant session of introducing the nominee for ministry of defense. Reportedly, the suicide bomber detonated his explosives-laden car outside parliament aided by additional attackers trying to force their way in to the Parliament compound through the southern gate whilst firing upon security staff who successfully managed to hold them off until security forces arrived. The siege lasted just over an hour before Special Forces killed all seven insurgents. The bang followed widespread panic coincided the moment when the second vice president, Mohammad Sarwar Danish, was due to introduce the minister of defense nominee to MPs for a vote of confidence. The parliamentarians and journalist rushed to escape any possible gun fire in pursuit of save heaven within the parliament. Reportedly, within half an hour at least nine explosions were heard along with sporadic gunfire. It is said that the suicide bomber detonated his explosives in busy Darul Aman road, near the gates of Parliament - causing considerable damage to other cars in the area and to nearby buildings. According to military officials seven attackers were involved in the Parliament siege on parliament in Kabul all of whom were gunned down by special force. The security forces certainly did commendable task in restraining the militants so that they could not inflicts greater harms to parliamentarian and ordinary masses. Seemingly, the secret agencies couldn't respond aptly –consequently the militant's unleashed horrific day in Kabul. The responsible department should be put to question for this intelligence failure. Undoubtedly, it was a monster attack that was duly foiled by security forces. According to initial report, five civilians dead with inclusion to insurgents so far have been reported –however over dozens of passersby sustained serious injuries and wounds. Health officials have confirmed at least 31 civilians injured – including five women and three children in the attack. Putting the down the sanctity of holy month of Ramadan reflects Taliban's ignorance about Islam and Islamic teachings –it is only so they vowed to continue the bloodletting of innocent Afghans. Following the tragic incident the Taliban spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, in his Twitter claimed responsibility for the attack. Earlier, Taliban had turned down the request put forth by Afghan Ulema Council to disband militancy in the honor of Sacred Month of Ramadan. The attack depicts Taliban are exercising a great deal of viciousness, to have their say implemented in the possible peace talks. Certainly, Taliban aspires to partake in peace talks in the position of strength. Subsequent to horrific attack the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) strongly condemned a coordinated attack by Taliban on Afghan Parliament. Pakistan and India did not lag behind condemning the terror act –aptly issued a statement shortly after the siege ended. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has condemned the attack on Parliament, saying the targeting of civilians during the month of Ramadan is un-Islamic and that those responsible are simply criminals. India's Congress President Sonia Gandhi condemned the terror attack, calling it a "heinous attempt by fundamentalists to subvert democratic forces". May all the countries exercised their influence to get Taliban convinced for ceasefire –a condition for commencement of peace talk! Similar incidence has turned the matter of daily account. In order to unearth the grave situation of law and order, the UN's former report is an eye opener for the government and its security institutions. The report discloses 1,000 civilians being killed in the Afghan conflict in the first four months of the year, while 1,989 were injured. It is not only the civilians who are preyed the aid workers are not spared either in the ongoing conflict. The UN chronicles serious reservations against ruthless killing of civilians in general and aid worker in particular. The report attributes most of the casualties to Taliban who is said to be engaged in large-scale attacks and bombings across the country as part of their summer offensive. The report mentions southern Kandahar province the most insecure with greatest life claiming incidents. The report continued that a total of 4,672 insurgents and 331 soldiers were killed during the month, a sharp spike in the causality toll as compared to the past few months. The report read a total of 60 bombings and IED explosions have occurred in the recent month. In addition, the report also attributed 47 incidents of abductions and other violence to insurgents. 124 people were reportedly abducted by insurgents during the month. The report depicts cowardice of insurgents who hold innocent civilians prey to head to their evil designs. Undeniably there is no solution to decade long conflict devoid of political solution –certainly peace talk is elementary to install peace, given all the warring factions conciliate on agreeable points. After all it is the responsibility of a government and concerned departments within a state to ensure peace and security of its citizens. However, the governments that suffer from administrative incapacities fail to guarantee security must try to turn around and should give up –in the bid to prevent the weaker strata of the society; women, ethnic and religious minorities and the common people suffer.