Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

“Let’s Develop our Lives without Drugs”

June 26th will be observed as International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. By resolution 42/112 on December 07, 1987, the UN General Assembly decided to observe the day as an expression of its determination to reinforce action and collaboration so as to attain the goal of an international society free of drug abuse. This resolution, in the aftermath of the report and conclusions in 1987 International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, recommended further action and measures.

The day will be observed by many countries in the world under the theme of “Let’s develop our lives, our communities, our identities without drugs” (suggested by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes – UNODC). It is really important that the day should be observed with complete enthusiasm and commitment to guarantee practical measures to curb the menace of drugs as the lives of millions of people are at stake. 

Afghanistan is one of the countries that have been greatly influenced by drugs. The day can be observed by different institutions and authorities in the country to highlight the actual facts regarding drug production and addiction and reiterate their commitment in fighting this evil.

We are faced with the reality that Afghanistan is not only among the leading countries in producing and trafficking drugs but also using it. There are thousands of youngsters addicted to different types of drugs and their number is increasing with each passing day. It is now another threatening reality that children and women are also caught in drug addiction and they do not find any way of countering this menace. They, as a matter of fact, use it as medicine to fight against cold weather and also as sedatives to fight against pains that are caused by different diseases. 

It is now widely accepted that the poppy cultivation and its smuggling are linked with the networks of organized crime in the country that further extends to international mafia and drug dealing and they have their strong backers in the international drug market and national authorities who appear to be guardians of the nation. But one of the most alarming and unfortunate facts is that they have their links with the terrorist networks in the country. The growing insurgency and expanding networks of terrorism suggest that the terrorists have strong financial support from drugs. This situation is really very much intimidating. This is going to devastate the lives of the people of Afghanistan in various ways and unfortunately no break in it seems very much likely – at least not in near future as the statistics show that there has been and there will be increase in the opium production in the country if not handled properly.

The situation would not be difficult to handle if it was limited only to farmers but the fact is that the farmers are not alone to benefit from the rising prices and the rise in production; rather farmers take a negligible part of it while most of the income goes to the networks that manage its filthy business. And it is not concealed from knowing minds that the terrorist networks have a lion’s share in such income. So, it means that with the growth in the production of opium, there will be considerable increase in insurgency from the terrorist networks that are already in the process of gaining strength. Moreover, it has also been observed that the cultivations mostly take place in the areas where Taliban seem to have more control. It is believed that most of the cultivation is concentrated in southern Afghan provinces, and heartland of the Taliban-led insurgency, where the government does not seem to have much control.

This clearly suggests that there is connection between the poppy business and the growing insurgency. Definitely, the poppy business in Afghanistan is well knit in the larger network of organized crime. But unfortunately, the measures that have been carried out to counter the growth of this menace have not been comprehensive and serious. It is even believed that the important figures are involved in backing this business that should, otherwise, have the responsibility to counter them. And the growing corruption and negligence of responsibility in the country does not let the government notice such realities. Though Afghanistan has been under international pressure to take notice of growing poppy cultivation, it is yet to hit the bull’s eye in this regard. Moreover, there have been technical and financial assistance from the international community to help Afghanistan eradicate this evil, but most of it goes to the pockets of rampant corruption.

So, the menace of poppy cultivation is determined to influence the country in various ways. It, on one side, is making drugs available to a large number of people, who are both intentionally and unintentionally becoming addict to it and becoming responsible for giving birth to different social problems. On the other hand, it is providing the fuel for insurgency as it is bound to benefit the terrorist networks in the country that largely depend on such sources of income after losing support from elsewhere. Government authorities in this regard have to get very much serious and try to take concrete steps to make sure that the production is reduced to a considerable extent. Destroying the crops is one of the most practical steps at the present scenario and can to a very great extent discourage the poppy cultivation but it has certain complexities with itself. For the long-lasting solution it is preferable that the government must try to facilitate the farmers and landowners the opportunity of growing alternate crops. Moreover, corruption, in this regard, must not be tolerated in any condition.