Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Drawbacks in Security Matters

The attack on Afghan parliament marks the continuation of terror plot unleashed by militants. The militants have already stepped up attacks on government and foreign targets in recent weeks, taking a heavy toll on civilians and Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF). The main targets of these operations will be the foreign occupiers, especially their permanent military bases, officials of the stooge regime, their military constellations, especially their intelligence, interior ministry and defense ministry officials. The worsened condition of law and order and frequent activities of ISIS and Taliban reflects as if insurgents are running a parallel government. On the other hand the former arbitrary release of large number of Taliban inmates seems to be strengthening their might and they are signaling their presence by carrying out attacks.

What is clear is that the insurgents are expanding the range of their operations. The insurgents are operating at will and quite rapidly expanding operations to parts of the country where it previously appeared to have little ability to act. It also seems that the militants are familiar with important installations, and their attacks are meticulously staged. If a wise and coordinated strategy is not pursued then control over eastern and southern Afghanistan might slip into the hands of the Taliban with no apparent ability to foil this, post US pull out.

The escalating violence across the country also sparks the concern over how the large strong Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) manage to tackle security measure left alone to fight on ground. To learn the plans put into action by government to restrain activities of militants earlier the parliamentary session briefed by security heads was hailed. NDS chief Rehmatullah Nabil, Interior Minister Noor-ul-Haq Ulumi and Maj. Gen. Afzal Aman, operation commander at the Ministry of Defence (MoD) were summoned by the WJ to inform the house about over all security, attacks on the parliament, recent recruitment in the spy-service and distribution of Computerized Identity (ID) Cards.

The concerned officials underlined certain hardcore issue pertaining security affairs. How strange to learn the cleanup operation ongoing in tribal region of Afghanistan has served the present shock wave of violence. It is agreeable to find, Afghanistan's Minister of Interior Noorulhaq Olomi accusing Pakistan's military operation ousted insurgents from Waziristan –are playing a detrimental effect on the country's security as these insurgents were simply being driven across the border. Then the question arises who would guard the border areas of Afghanistan and emplace a check over the movements of insurgents? Undoubtedly, it is the security forces that have to avert any such plot prior to its execution. It is disputed –militants easily cross tens if not hundreds of security checks carrying tones of explosives and manage to reach the high valued targets unnoticed.

If the said proposition is true then credibility of interior security diminishes otherwise the weakness must be accepted and should be transformed into strength. Superficially, a strong nexus is found between security institutions that are ready to thwart plot anywhere round the clock –the security forces are capable to respond with full might any possible attack by insurgents. Nonetheless the former continuous wave of violence highlighted serious drawbacks in security network and retarded capacity of security officials to restrain militants at bay. Responding the query raised by MPs relative to the issue of ongoing battles in the north of the country between insurgents and security forces the security officials' affirmed the killed militants are replaced by extra militants, hardening the state of affairs.

Despite, owning 350,000 strong army that outnumber militants multiply the bases of security forces falling at the hands of insurgents –is worrying. It's repeatedly heard the security personnel warring militants were not aptly supported with needed backup that resulted in their setback –consequently a base had to be fallen to militants. This certainly marks security loophole and lack of coordination between corresponding departments. The security officials underlining the lack of military equipments is genuine issue requiring immediate compensation. It is a worrying factor that security forces are still restricted by a shortage of equipments and air support. Particularly, the equipments needed to defuse and destroy landmines immensely required. It is a matter worth billions –the coalition forces, NATO and US withdrawing, without equipping the ANSF with preliminary military items taints the international campaign against combating terrorism. Otherwise the government has to earn these requirements from elsewhere. This statement came at very critical time when the entire world is facing the threats from renowned terrorists of Daesh and Taliban.

Nonetheless, the broader system of cooperation between security institutions, intelligence agencies and fair prosecution system, the government may cop with the challenge of multiplying insecurity. The militants apprehended must be subjected to a fair trial is a pivotal to maintenance of peace and security. Long lasting peace can only be installed in Afghanistan provided the anti-state elements are brought to book through fair trial, holding the right culprit accountable for his deeds. In doing so the government should too consider the wages and authority of public officials serving this department, so that they should not be misled by attractive offers. The government must get itself cleared, whom to be labeled as terrorists, whom should be talked to and whom shouldn't? It should be learned that both the formation of fair laws, its implementation and regulation makes it possible for men to live together peaceably.