Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Is Justice Done?

When four of main culprits in Farkhunda’s murder were given the sentence of death and few others severe punishments by Primary Court few months back, there were appreciations by different individuals and factions of society and it was believed to be an act of justice that would play a role in discouraging such incidents to occur again.

However, according to latest news reports, the Kabul Appeals Courts has ruled to commute the death sentences given to four convicts and reduced their sentence to 20 years imprisonment. Moreover, as the news reports disclose, the Court has entirely acquitted the custodian of the Shrine – Omran, who was found guilty of instigating the mob to attack on Farkhunda based on false accusations. He was initially sentenced to 16 years of imprisonment.

Moreover, eight other convicts, who were each sentenced to 16 years of imprisonment for their active role in the murder, were also acquitted by the Court.

The decision of Appeals Court has stirred outrage and Farkhunda’s family has shown serious reaction. Farkhunda’s parents have said that they do not accept the decision and see no justice in it. They have also said that they seek justice from the President and the Chief Executive.

Some civil society organizations have also raised their voice against the ruling of the Court and they have said that the ruling of Court has raised questions on promises made by the leaders of National Unity Government, nor the people neither Farkhunda’s family accept the court ruling, the President and Chief Executive must appoint a special court to review the case. And, the ruling of the Court has changed all hope into disappointment; and that means that Afghanistan’s legal and judicial institutions support criminals rather than implementing justice.

Both the President and Chief Executive showed anger and pity after the incident and had directed the law enforcement agencies to take quick action and bring the culprits to justice. It is important to see how they react after the decision which is now taken by the Appeals Court.

Though it is always difficult to suggest a death penalty to someone, justice must be done in any case. If the culprits in Farkunda’s murder are not given death penalty, they can at least be given proper punishment in accordance to law. The courts cannot just acquit them and let them go unpunished. Making mockery of justice will further encourage the culprits and they will continue their misdeeds.        

It has become difficult to talk of justice and fair play in a country, where the punishment for a crime that one has not done is death? How to talk of humanity when the people feel taste in killing a lonely woman by dragging her on the streets? How to talk of Islam in a society where there is no respect for well-being of others? How to talk of responsibility in a city where the policemen are incapable to provide you safety even when you are being beaten to death in front them? How to talk of guidance and spirituality in a society where the religious leaders are the ones who lead you astray?

There has to be a way to salvation for the coldblooded murder of Farkhunda and this has to be realized by Afghan justice system. The protest by the Farkhunda’s parents and civil society organizations are not enough. Something has to be done that can guarantee that such heinous acts will not be repeated. Something that can make women feel more secure while they are on the streets and even in their houses. Something that can teach a lesson to those who will to do anything they want in the name of religion. Something that can restore our belief on human beings and humanity. Something that can absorb the stink of the burning corpse of Farkhunda from the air around us.

Why do not we mend ourselves? Why do not we recognize that we are naturally the best of the creatures and claim to be superior? Why do not our minds think and our hearts feel the way they should? Why do not we strive for a better way of living? Why do not we adopt the habit of research and the search for knowledge? Why do not we open our eyes and see the things as they are not as we want them to be? Why do not we become religious in a true sense and pursue the path of wellbeing and spirituality? Why is the life so worthless for us, and the death so dear to us? When others can do all these things, why can not we? Are we really so senseless that we are not able even to recognize our benefit and the way to our survival?

Enough is enough! Let’s stand tall like human beings and not crawl on earth like insects! Let’s make life worth living and worth respecting! Let’s feel our responsibilities and each one grow a flower to make our country a garden! Let’s portray Islam the way it deserves – spreading wellbeing and peace! Let’s respect women and their true role and importance in our society! Let’s disseminate the message of love, tranquility and humanity! Let’s support justice and make sure that the episode with Farkhunda is the first and the last one! Let’s do all these as this is the only way to live like better human beings!