Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Pros and Cons of “United National Government”

Having started the negotiation with Taliban both govenement and masses anticipate peace may turn a reality. Nevertheless, its premature to expect this dream come true. Factually, the rumours of peace talks has produced twin effects of more anguish than gratification. Many people reluctantly agree to trust taliban –as they find it hard enough to unlearn the ruthless tales of atrocities unleahsed by Taliban couple of years ago. It was witnessed taliban claiming to be sole stake holder in Afghan politics never stood by the interest of masses –instead coerced mass to submit to their commands, otherwise severe punishement awaited their fate. Despite such greivances the political circle forsees to receive taliban back in the politics, realizing a shift in their resolve.

If talk is one fo the resort, better be tested for tangible if not concrete solution to Afghan conflict. The first round of this test took place in Marri, a picnic spot few kilometer off Islamabd, the capital city of Pakistan. The talks conssisted delegate of Afghan governemnt and taliban leaders as potential negotiators –Pakistan, US and China representatives partook as observers. The delegate of both the Taliban and Afghan government in their recent face-to-face but closed-doors talks exchanged certain demands. The demand of peace truce is one that would turn about the talks.

The delegate of Afghan government demanded Taliban an immediate ceasefire a condition for continuation of peace talks. This demands gestures government’s weaker position in the talks –intimating the display of more resilience on its part. It was believed the government negotiating in the position of strength can only make Taliban submit to some of its hard born demands and render compromises. It has always been a military tactic –acquiring the position of strength will earn you a better and dominant position to be heard. It is witnessed Taliban soon after the onset of round of informal talks multiplied their attacks inflicting greater ruins to government. Even the former President Hamid Karzai called upon all warring parties to stop fighting in the wake of crucial round of talks between the Afghan government and Taliban. The inception of ceasefire might not easily be won –given Taliban’s splintered groups may or may not accept the laid demands.

It said that Taliban during this course of time is divided into different faction; each group showing allegiance to different leaders. The query whether the leaders mandated to negotiate at peace parley is in harmony with the warring Taliban on the ground, is yet to be seen? If the mainstream Taliban contributes to a common umbrella of shared interest -they will exercise resilience towards core leadership and stick to peace treaty. Otherwise the peace talks will carry on amidst the continued attacks from non-conciliating factions. This move will simply turn and twist the government to opt for other options.

It is to none’s surprise Taliban demands an acceptable share in the ongoing setup. Agreeably, in the latest round of talks Taliban referred the ceasefire conditioned to formation of United National Government. Though the details of this government till date is uncertain –however following the political temperament of Taliban, the demand of reservation of lion’s share in the current democratic setup, may be a credible guess. It has long been the National Unity Government (NIG) leaders do not reach to finale opting for the head of electoral reform commission and Ministry of defense. After pledging to form United National Government the problems may further complicate –provided both the leaders have to give off some their owned seats, indeed. The reliable media source disclosed Afghan side gave in to induct the third tier leaderships in the government –notwithstanding they insisted for the first-tier of leadership. The Afghan government long ago prior to formation of cabinet tipped-off sparing some ministries for Taliban leaderships. It seemed a deliberate move to draw in Taliban on the table of negotiation. Instantly, at present when Taliban agreed to step in –the government has to sort out the share they can afford levying to Taliban.

The regional powers like China already working on enhanced security of this region have had facilitated both the peace talks and pledged an increase security cooperation with Afghanistan by providing security equipment, technology and training assistance. These assurances came on the eve of BRICS summit that took place in Russia, previously. The commitment was made by China’s President Xi Jinping during a meeting with his Afghan counterpart President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani during the summit. The president suggested that regional states should shift focus to launch big development projects, multiply trade and business and stabilize economy aimed at countering challenges. It’s good Mr. President to remind a bit of our responsibilities we have to turn this perception false that this land is the breeding ground for terrorists. Undeniably, without seeking collaboration of international community Afghanistan alone partially can this land rid of terrorists?

It is witnessed the president making tones of clarification that even echoed on the edge of the summit. The president assured the partakers that the soil of Afghanistan would not be used against the interest of other countries. Taliban one of the elements of insecurity is talked to at present at costs foreseeable subsequently. Undeniably, the spread of Daesh is another nightmare the world seems concerned for. Afghanistan has to lay concrete measures to restrain spread of other terror groups.