Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

No Appeasements Can Stop Terrorism

Amidst political instability and the increasingly divergent approaches in relations among state branches, Taliban's suicide attacks, high profile assassinations, hit-and-run operations and road side bombings have extremely increased across the country in comparison to months and years earlier. Following the last blowing accidents, the operations have put Afghan security officials highly at stake but, as part of their populist justification skills, they said the operation indicated that Taliban were struggling to survive their last stages in the fight against Afghan and international forces.

Afghan government officials futilely hope that president Karzai's placating policies could help his peace initiative become successful. However, Taliban have bluntly and frequently rebuffed government's placating policies; peace offers have proved counterproductive. The government peace initiative included releasing some of high-ranking Taliban prisoners. Peace commissions and councils established so far have insisted on providing more privileges to the militants to win their hearts and minds. Both the Peace Consolidation Commission and High Peace Council have been trying to release all Taliban prisoners. However, terrorists release has benefitted no more than increasing the number of attacks.

In the most recent occurrence, President Karzai administration asked the United Nations Security Council to delink Taliban and Al Qaeda wanted lists and delist certain Taliban members who were previously known for their terrorist actions. Being exhausted of situation in Afghanistan and the puzzling war against terrorism, the Security Council's "Afghanistan Taliban Sanctions Committee" late Friday decided to delist 14 Afghan Taliban individuals from the sanctions list to encourage the group to lay down the arms and join the peace process. The Chairman of the Committee Peter Wittig welcomed the decision saying it "sends a strong signal." The Security Council and the international community support the efforts of the Afghan government to engage reconciled Taliban in a political dialogue in order to achieve peace and security in Afghanistan."

Despite its hard experiences during the decade-long war here, Afghan government has got no clear definition of her mission in the fight against terrorism and whom it is fighting against. Al-Qaeda-backed Taliban, the stubborn extremist militants, are treated kindly by Afghan president and his team. However, the peaceful Afghan nation knows enough of the Taliban essence. Derived from such naively optimistic views, Afghan government has so far practiced a bunch of unrealistic policies that has led only to the current deteriorating security and fading hopes of the nation. Listing or delisting names of terrorists will make no improvements by itself unless there is a consensus on a realistic approach towards extremism and militancy. The annals clearly show that there is only a single type of terrorist; no good terrorist exists at all.