Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Acceptability for Others

In order to exist with cooperation in an exceedingly diverse society it’s necessary to develop respect and acceptability for others. In the absence of these factors, it might be impossible to tighten the social bonds. The varied societies have inhabitants from totally dissimilar cultural, historical, religious, ethnic or sectarian milieus. Although such societies have the advantage of being diverse and culturally wealthy, they are noticeably at risk of conflicts. As there are teams of individuals with totally different ideologies and practices there are prospects that there are frequent clashes and disturbances. Therefore, it’s necessary in such societies that totally different teams ought to settle for one another’s existence.

The acceptability or broad-mindedness for others is best developed by realizing the actual fact that others have their reasons to be what they are. They need their own backgrounds and values and their own practices that have developed among them through their distinct history. However, people don’t seem to be able to do so in such a large amount of cases. They, in fact, become the victims of utmost partisanship. They observe and perceive others in their own views and check out to weigh them as per their own values, that don’t offer correct and just result. They base their analysis and understanding depending on their own frame of reference that is certain to be biased as they do not look after the objective truths.

The biased and ethno-centric approach towards others is certain to end in clashes and chaos. Such a state of affairs is actually noticeably prejudicious and might be used by others for their personal edges. History approves the fact that the heterogeneous societies that have had clashes among their completely different strata were dominated by others who solely reinforced those clashes through political means and in that manner pursued their own motives. In short, the societies that have such clashes are politically used by others and that they suffer severe loss as a result.

It is, therefore, essential for heterogeneous societies to develop a culture of co-existence. A way of belongingness to an oversized body; may be a sense for attachment to some national feelings, will solve the problem to a certain level. Binding themselves to national levels, the heterogeneous teams within the society might surrender their trivial matters and begin thinking in broader perspective. They need to be instructed to grasp that it’s solely through collective efforts that they’ll improve their survival potential in today’s society. Their collective efforts will grow to be a synergy that may give them the chances of facing the overgrowing challenges of life successfully and dignity.

One of the simplest ways in which to exist in an exceedingly heterogeneous society is searching for the similarities among totally different teams rather than distinguishing the variations and creating them the bone of rivalry. In fact, the similarities among totally different human teams are larger than their variations. One in all of the biggest similarities among all the groups of people is that they’re human beings and share an equivalent earth to survive on.

However, such ideas are solely thought to be ideal and unworkable. In reality, people are divided into totally different strata and that they have myriads of disparities. There are fights among them and that they use deadly weapons in their fights that kill many at a time. Each cluster, in pursuit of proving itself higher or correct, makes machinations to decimate others. Others are aliens, foreigners, infidels and wrong-doers. Religions and social and political ideologies that have got to bring folks along have, in fact, compelled them to stand largely apart and divided. This can be extremely pathetic and doesn’t show in the least that humans are the most superior of creatures and have the intelligence and gumption.

Afghanistan is one among the societies that are heterogeneous to a particular extent. There are people from totally different ethnic groups who have their sub-cultures. Although they have embellished Afghan society with variety, there are instances when these strata have had clashes among each other. These clashes resulted in civil wars and influenced Afghan society negatively to a large extent. Other countries that had their interests in Afghan society used these clashes for their political functions and further added fuel to the fireplace.

However, nowadays Afghan society is standing in an exceedingly different position. It is in the course of developing a peaceful life for its folks. At this important juncture, it is extremely necessary that Afghan society should stand united and face challenges as a powerful nation. It should not let the variations among various strata to dominate their national integration. The younger generation will play an amazing role in this regard. They are educated and they have previously experienced the implications of decades of instability and wars; so, they will better decide which path to choose.

If Afghan people want to guarantee their national integration within the times to come, they will be tested by the challenges. They have to find out to hold one another’s hands tightly and check out to assist one another in nation building. They need to grasp that the varied groups within the country are essentially different elements of a healthy body and without the support of any of them it might not be able to create the body completely and make it work and perform properly. And, the socio-political conditions might prove to be noticeably unkind and might gust away, like light-weight straws, all the divided people.