Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Woman; An Epitome of Haplessness

Earlier, sense catching reports surfaced that disclosed at least four female prisoners gang-raped in a women detention center in southern Kandahar province of Afghanistan. How could the intruder seek entry without the consent of deployed public official? If a person feel insecure from the guardian of law, who else one trust for rescue? No, arrest and prosecution came into effect despite months gone past the date of incident. The provincial human rights officials had too asked the concerned institution for investigating the case. Nothing expectedly materialized out of blankness and cold-heartedness except a cowardice and disgraceful silence.

The exercise of abusing children and women across the land is not worrying for patriarchal Afghan society and for those with fundamentalist temperaments. The sexual abuse and rape of women and children have been rampant in Afghanistan is chronicled. Reportedly, at least 245 women and children were raped across the country during the initial six months of 2014 –the survey report released late in September last year testifies this credibility of this sorry tale. Women deemed an object to be misused, mistreated and molested –is not something novel for despotic Afghan society and elsewhere.

Earlier, President Ashraf Ghani nominated a leading lawyer, Anisa Rasooli a former juvenile court judge to become the country’s first ever female Supreme Court judge. This decision was deemed legitimate and levelheaded capable to reserve the ill perception Afghan have had concerning women rights –which unluckily did not materialize following the dismissal of her candidature. The good news of appointment of female judge in the apex court could not last longer –as the lower house of Parliament Wolesi Jirga turned her down by turning a biased eye towards her. Afghanistan reserves the worst image in the international community pertaining to maintenance of basic human rights in general and women rights in particular –Farkhunda’s murder case is not yet unlearned. We suffer a state of illusion, beating the trumpet of being rational and just with the ever prejudiced section of society –women –contradict the ground realities.

The social participation of women deemed a taboo at large –makes them difficult to head to public offices on a distinct position. Afghanistan is the land where women are treated as a third class citizen, and a household commodity, whose fate rests to parental sightless ruling. Women found exercising her willingness contrary to parental dictate, is subjected to severe castigation and humiliation; is recklessly shunned to depth of utter hopelessness. The society where negation of unsound commandment is deemed immodesty and conceit, and pursuit of a rational discourse unpardonable sin, lies at the depth of moral abyss. Hence, a woman is bound to lead a life, at utter submission of her family associates.

Nilofar Rahmani, 21 is the first afghan women pilot appointed as 2nd Lieutenant, was opted to be awarded with International Women Courage Award 2015. She had received basic trainings in US by American Air Force instructors and received his certificate after graduating from Shindand Air Base in 2013. This auspicious award was spared indeed for eight best female around the world for showing excellent courage and outstanding performance. This is praiseworthy performance in Afghan society where women hardly find a way out to chase her dreams, due a greatest rate of gender based discrimination.

Previously, Farkhuda’s murderers –due to receive severe punishment by preliminary court was reversed by Appeal Court –intimating the murder of justice by a justice. The case hitherto lying in the court and the culprits are awaiting fairer trial. Undoubtedly, Afghanistan’s judicial sector is suffering male administration and inapt officials that undertake biased ruling in frequent hearings –the aforesaid unearthed the untold facts, indeed. Following through minute details of the case, a deliberated twist and turn was witnessed in the judgment issued subsequent to hearing –the Appeals Court reversed the verdict of the Kabul Primary Court sentencing three out of four men to 20 years of imprisonment and another to 10 years. Moreover, eight other convicts, who were each sentenced to 16 years of imprisonment, were also acquitted by the Court previously. Moreover, as the news reports disclose, the Court has entirely acquitted the custodian of the Shrine – Omran, who was found guilty of instigating the mob to attack on Farkhunda based on false accusations. He was initially sentenced to 16 years of imprisonment. This is a premeditated aversion of the former ruling, shocking but damaging the cause for maintenance of rule of law. This seems to be an intentional drive where a great deal of favoritism seemed to have been emplaced.

Subjugating an inferior to harsh suppression has been prominent feature of patriarchal society where women are hold prone to suppression and intimidation. This is not to render man at fault; instead laws safeguarding women’s rights are minimally applied. Every alternate day endless tales of butcheries, physical torture, harassment and sexual assaults are surfaced where women render prey to flawed cultural practices, biased laws and Sharia doctrines. We turn deaf ears to the hapless cries, blind eyes negligent to see the magnitude of mental sufferings she endures while getting out to earn a livelihood, numb to realize the numerous pain of gender based victimization she bears frequently, because of fallacious socio-religious structure based on irrational biases. It reflects women are coerced to repression after being found hapless and voiceless.