Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Declining Security state, Urges Government’s Readiness

The piece of land we inhabit is characterized by bombings, ruthless killings, kidnapping, corruption, bad governance, administrative flaws and mass abduction. The perception, hunger is human avengers is turned deception subsequent to beasts chasing madly innocent humans. The innocent citizens get butchered, killed and dumped without anyone’s prime concern. The miseries of ordinary masses do not end with ruthless killing or abduction of some individuals instead multiplies provided the bereaved family is left to suffer endlessly.

A couple of days hardly past the bloody week of continuous bloodshed, another blast jolted the ill-fated federal capital, Kabul. It was the rush hour of afternoon, the previous day when explosive laden car detonated its explosives. The explosion went off in Kabul city caused extensive damage to nearby buildings and cars and particularly resulted in losses of human lives. Official’s calmed, most of the victims are civilians. According to reliable sources of public health ministry spokesman, the blast claimed lives of at least six people injuring thirty six others including five women. The venue of attack is residential consequently the causalities to include women and children can not be ruled out. The ongoing fight between Taliban and government that mostly hurts the unarmed civilians categorically reflects every boundary of decency and humanity will be crossed to rise to power.

Minutely, going through the clues of attacks, we find Taliban seen behind most if not the attack undertaken, hitherto. With the onset of peace talks between government and Taliban coinciding with news of demise of Mullah Omar and whom to succeed him accompanied with soaring violence underlines Taliban willingness to exert its integrity and fractured unity. Security analysts relate the escalating violence demonstrates Mullah Mansoor’s attempt to boost his image among Taliban cadres and drive attention away from internal divisions over his leadership.

However, seeing at the magnitude of aggression wreaked by violence-mongers, we find barbarism an overriding element of our society. The strength anti-state elements have acquired marks the state of unwillingness to be curtailed. The turn of every seasonal offensive the intensity of violence inclines rendering the foreign diplomats, public officials and civilians prime target of attacks. The growing attacks on foreign and civilians indicates the insurgents are underlining their pretentious presence. The individuals driven by evil motives, fear of losing what they owned, lust of having numerous monetary gains put them in the black race of domination, leading to formation of a human society we witness at the moment, characterized by rule of mob, violence, aggression, innumerable bloodshed and ruthless killings of fellowmen. Unluckily our society at present is governed by some of identical dilemmas.

Out of all the violence unleashed by Taliban amidst the rumors of division among their rank is maddening. Earlier, the series of attack at different venues have left the security officials revisit their plan to track down the militants. It was the earliest continues wave of attacks rocked the Kabul city with loud bangs. Hitherto the death toll reached to 44 following the consecutive attacks that barraged the capital city, Kabul. In the latest attack on a NATO base near Hamid Karzai Kabul International Airport late Friday, at least eight security guards and a Resolute Support (RS) service member were killed.

Formerly, the Afghan Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) report raised concerns about the increased level of violence and the spike in civilian casualties recorded so far this year. On the basis of AIHRC findings, armed oppositions are responsible for more than 70 per cent of civilian casualties, which has increased dramatically, in the country. The Afghan local police standing on the front curbing insurgent’s attacks unwittingly retaliate leading to great civilian casualties. It is seen the well trained regiment of army personnel stationed on standby reach to the rescue of trapped police personnel when they have already sought refuge amongst civic population. The Independent Human Rights Commission meanwhile chronicled a 30 percent rise in civilian casualties that is sharp increase in comparison to data in the first six months last year.

In all the worsening security state depicts the insurgents are expanding the range of their operations. The insurgents are operating at will and quite rapidly expanding operations to parts of the country where it previously appeared to have little ability to act. It also seems that the militants are familiar with important installations, and their attacks are meticulously staged. If a wise and coordinated strategy is not pursued then control over eastern and southern Afghanistan might slip into the hands of the Taliban with no apparent ability to foil this, post US pull out. The escalating violence across the country also sparks the concern over how the large strong ANSF manage to tackle security measure left alone to fight on ground.

It is the responsibility of a government and concerned departments within a state to ensure peace and security of its citizens. However, the governments that suffer from administrative incapacities fail to guarantee security must fill this gap. And in such states the weaker strata of the society tend to suffer the most –it must be turned a false assumption. Women, ethnic and religious minorities and the common people as a whole undergo anguish as a result. Afghanistan is also one of the countries where the government has not been able to provide enough security to its people and the common people face different sorts of problems every day.