Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Respected MP’s, Notice Consequence of Your Comments

Last week, a number of lower house of the parliament members claimed that they had credible information that another important private bank, Azizi Bank, was on the verge of collapse because of mismanagement.  Abdul Zahir Qadir, a lawmaker from eastern Nangarhar province alleged that he had information showing the bank was in crisis. He also added that a high ranking official at the bank wanted to bribe him for not raising the issue on the house floor.  

But he avoided naming him only said that he would reveal his recorded voice. He was not the only one concerned about the mismanagement of the bank, but there were many others who made similar allegations. Samiullah Samim quoted from Abdul Qadir Fitrat, the former chief of central bank, saying that the bank was near to collapse. Similarly, Qurban Kohistani accused bank transferring more then five million dollar to Dubia.

These lawmakers were voicing their allegations with full confidence over their information as well as its source. Hearing the news, the banks costumers might have been frightened as it occurred in the case of Kabul Bank, the first largest private bank in the country. When the news was released last year, first by Washington post and followed by national and international news agencies, people here rushed to all branches of the bank and started hastily withdrawing their deposits.

Though with interference of central bank, the problem was somehow solved as the bank was bailed out, but Afghan depositors clearly understand that Afghan government budget would not suffice if it tries to bail another bank out in the case of possible cash crisis. In another word, Kabul government is completely unable to fix another big private bank in the case it faces cash crisis.

In this juncture, the parliament summoned the acting Chief of Central Bank Mr. Muhibullah Sapi. But he strongly rejected the allegations as baseless and asserted that the bank was not on the verge of collapse. He said that using the word 'collapse' was something unjust and the bank was not going to collapse. He asked MP's to provide proof for their accusations, but seemingly no prove has been yet provided.

Now the question there is a question, "Why MPs who previously have strongly commented that they had credible information about collapse of the bank kept quite and did not provide the due proves for their allegations? Do they have proof?" If not, why, as representatives of Afghan people, they make such terrifying statements regarding the vitally important institutions for the economy of Afghanistan.

Such allegations truly bring the performance of the bank in dismal situation as it is based on the confidence of its costumers. Losing the confidence of its costumers means facing a challenging crisis. Therefore, it would be so kind of MP's to rationally analyze a situation and must take full responsibility of their allegations.