Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Regional Friendly Ties Earn Economic Riches

The geopolitical location of Afghanistan is quite a lot promising, given it can bridge the world over with Central Asian; earthen resource rich countries and China; one of potentially growing economy of the world. Many countries therefore, exercise great deal of diplomacy to straighten their affairs or find out a better alternative to reap these resources and goods. India; another giant economy of Asia foresees way to reach out to energy reserves of Central Asia, meeting its energy requirements and keeping pace with industrial developments.

Earlier, officials from more than 30 nations and 40 international organizations participated in a two-day regional conference in Kabul to discuss ways of rebuilding war-ravaged Afghanistan’s finances. Range of issues, including inter-regional trade, synchronized customs and border routines, and market expansion by emphasizing the need for enhanced regional economic, transportation cooperation and connecting Afghanistan with regional countries and ways to find alternate transit routes was talked on. The summit certainly is deemed critical in bolstering regional cooperation and will help attract investment for Afghanistan’s economic infrastructural development such as that of energy production, rail networks and transportation sectors.

At contemporary era no country can live in isolation –economic relation developed between two countries is the most unswerving relationship. Undoubtedly the future of Afghanistan and regional countries in terms of economic prosperity are closely linked to transit, trade and extended economic cooperation. In order to ensure economic growth peace and stability in the region must be ensured –to turn it a reality the regional relationship must be turned trustworthy. To get it done, Afghanistan must tie friendly ties with regional countries including India, Pakistan and Iran other extra-regional countries of immense significance.

Land-locked Afghanistan uses Pakistani land routes and seaports for trade under a bilateral transit deal, while Islamabad trades goods with central Asian nations through Afghanistan. With exception to goods’ trade Afghanistan can reap the fruit of service in different areas of human endeavors. Undoubtedly, Pakistan has earned a good reputation in the area of trade in services, in banking and insurance, telecommunications; IT enabled services, engineering consultancy, architecture and accountancy. Afghanistan would need expertise in these areas both for current operations and ‘on the job’ training of their own young professionals.

Owing to shaky ties both Pakistan and India accuses each other of insecurity in the either of state. This allegation and counter allegation inflicts worst impact on Afghanistan trade relation with two states. It is therefore to exercise balanced diplomacy with two disgruntled, one friend and other ally. In order to placate Pakistan growing concern about Afghanistan greater inclination towards India, earlier President Ghani suspended a request by the Afghan government to purchase heavy arms from India, Pakistan has long been wary of. Moreover, he has also offered Pakistani investors generous access to Afghanistan, including free industrial zones. In November, the Afghan and Pakistani governments agreed to a detailed list of proposals to promote trade, including the opening of 15 new crossing points along their shared border, even though Afghanistan has long disputed its legitimacy

Kabul is anxious to use Pakistani land routes for bilateral trade with India. Islamabad, however, has linked that privilege to normalization of relations with New Delhi. Afghan leaders have in the past warned of reversing the transit agreement if its requests are not entertained. The discussions come amid tension between Afghanistan and Pakistan over allegations that Islamabad failed to act against Taliban insurgents operating from Pakistan.  

Undoubtedly, the irresolute relationship between Pakistan and India battered the transition of goods from Afghanistan to India and from India back to Afghanistan. At present, Pakistan allows Afghan trucks carrying goods meant for India only up to its last checkpoint at Wagah and not to the Indian checkpoint at Attari which is just less than a kilometer away. Kabul insists that Afghanistan Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA) should allow Afghan trucks to carry Afghan products to the huge markets of India and China as well as the rest of the world through the seaports and land routes of Pakistan. Afghanistan asserts the Transit Trade Agreement should be extended and it should display resilience letting India join the APTTA to promote trade in the region. This assertion was witnessed, during president’s former visit to India where he underlined Afghan-India trade ties, immensely important. Given the relation between Afghanistan, Pakistan and India Pakistan could not be restored to normalization Afghanistan will be left to use Chabahar port could play a key role to connect the region with low cost.

The resumption of the ancient Silk Road, the finalization of TAPI project, the establishment of five rail corridors between five regional countries, the implementation of several gas pipeline projects between central Asian and south Asian countries, the establishment of Lahjaward Road and the further expansion of investment by the private sector among regional countries are potential enough to turn the fate of regional countries and Afghanistan around, provided they are selflessly implemented.

In the accounts of all developments, Afghanistan still secure central role, given the road to giant central Asian countries go through the land of opportunity, the Afghanistan. Pakistan, India and Afghanistan have to normalize its entire affairs and seek for economic superiority via free market and free and duty free trade policies turning Asia economic giant. In this pursuit they have to ensure security and better ties by doing away with terrorism, extremism and militancy.