Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Terror in Norway

In twin terror attacks in Norway, about 11 people have been killed on Friday July 22, 2011. According to reports received with latest updates at the time of this writing, 11 people were killed in a connected terror attack in Oslo. First, it was a powerful bomb blast that rocked the area with government buildings. Glasses of the windows had shattered all around, from government buildings including the office of Norwegian Prime Minister. The blasts were followed by a massacre at the youth camp of ruling Labor Party. It was an execution killing young, including children. Reportedly the attacker, who has been arrested alive, was in a police uniform that opened fire on teenage children in the summer camp.

The blasts were so powerful that the ruins of building depicts photos from Afghanistan or Pakistan after suicide blasts. There are no preliminary reports with details of the bomb blasts, but the armed man has been arrested from the summer camp. Intially there were reports of 2 death, followed with further updates reaching to 11. Its feared the number could soar, as an eye witness told CNN, there were more than 20 victims in the summer camp. Police has yet to confirm details.

There are unconfirmed reports saying Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami (Supporters of Global Jihad) has claimed responsibility for the terror in Oslo. In a statement on Jihadi online forums, the previously unknown group has claimed responsibility saying the attacks are because of Norwegian troops' presence in Afghanistan. This group, if reports are confirmed, is a new terror outfit previously unknown. In their statement linking the attack with presence of Norwegian troops in Afghanistan reflects the fact that Al-Qaeda is yet thinking of Afghanistan as its frontline war against the US and western world.

The Friday's attacks in Oslo show that global terrorists have still the capability to launch terror attacks in any part of the world. The Afghanistan connection of the Jihadi group claiming responsibility for the attacks has yet to be confirmed. The name and strategy sounds like an Al-Qaeda sleeper cell with its terrorists from within that society where the incident it has occurred. Within Qaeda circles, these Jihadis are called Ibnul-Balad, sons of the soils, an asset for Al-Qaeda strategy of spreading terror in the capitals of Western world to cause disruption and public fear. Norway, being a member of the NATO, Al-Qaeda leader al-Zawahiri had declared the country as a hot target for attacks. It was part of Al-Qaeda's grand strategy for their global operations and strategy to create sleeper cells inside Europe, Central Asia and South Asia.

President Obama has condemned the attacks saying the attacks remind us that the entire international community has a stake in preventing this kind of terror from occurring. Indeed these countries have responsibilities to fight terrorism to the end. The Oslo attacks also remind us that yet this war against terror has not reached its final phase, as some have coined the term after the announcement of US troops' withdrawal from Afghanistan. The lesson from this attack is that, Al-Qaeda has the capability to reach any western capital anytime.

The international community needs to defeat those who seek to impose their ideology with violence whether Al-Qaeda or Taliban. The other lesson is that NATO countries reluctant with their military contribution in the war on terror should not regret, as its for their own security. Rather, these countries should further expand their contribution in the fight against those who spread terror.
We strongly condemn the attacks and pass our sincere condolence to the Government and people of Norway, a country with meaningful contribution in the rebuilding of our country.