Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Our Country will Pass Through These Tough Days!

Fall of Kunduz to Taliban and the following circumstances added to the disappointment of masses in the country. They were already tired of the worst economic conditions and increasing insurgency in the country that this incident came as a serious blow to their trust on the future of the country. Kunduz incident can truly be called a tragedy. It was tragic that our leaders could not do anything beforehand to avoid this reprehensible incident, though they were alarmed about this a number of times. It was also tragic that instead of supporting each other on this time of grief and shock, the masses are busy in blaming each other and country seems to be evidently divided on ethnic basis.

Three days rule of Taliban in the city turned all the fears of people into reality about their harsh and inflexible government. Taliban are usually portrayed to be a bunch of thugs who have no moral character, who are cruel and indecent in their acts and who have no mercy and respect for the dignity of human lives. Tragic incidents in these three days were sufficient enough that the group by the name of Taliban is no more than a mob of uncivilized, cruel and ruthless people who can go beyond any limit when power comes in their hands. People are of the view that even the foreign occupiers were not as ruthless and barbarous as were the Taliban.

A lot has been written and said about different aspects of this tragedy. People are angry and they demand from the government to bring into justice all the politicians and heads of security forces who were responsible for this incident. It may due to their ignorance, laziness or criminal intentions but whatever may be the reasons, the responsible people should face the punishment for their unpardonable crime.

At present, the biggest threat for common Afghans is the return of the era of Taliban and having a look at the present situation, this fear does not appear to be much far from reality. Taliban are busy in their insurgency in almost a dozen provinces of the country and their role and power is increasing with every passing day. Though the Kunduz has been cleaned Taliban but they are still strong in almost all the rural areas of the country. Badakhshan is on the verge of collapse, Helmand is another province where our forces are struggling to sustain the rule of government, Nangarhar is witnessing the increasing activities and atrocities of IS militants, Faryab has once again fallen into the hands of Taliban after it was cleaned up by General Dostum and the provinces bordering Pakistan are almost controlled by Taliban. The situation is grim and is getting worse with every passing day.

Due to this fear, large numbers of people have already moved out of the country and many more are making preparations to leave the country but we must take into account those millions of Afghans who have no means or resources to go outside the country. It is also disloyal to desert the country and leave it on the mercy of enemies when a difficult time comes to it. In last 14 years of democracy, we benefitted a lot from this country and now it is the time to give sacrifice for the sake of stability, advancement and mere existence of this country.

In this situation, the role of President and his top government officials is really disappointing. It was needed that he should have given hope to people and assured them that democracy will continue and country will never fall into the hands of enemies but his government is busy in controlling a number of controversies that are increasing with every passing day.

In this grim situation, the silence of international community is also adding to the disappointment of the people. When the democracy was being established and militants were removed from the power in 2001, it was assured that international community would make all the efforts to support democracy and make sure that country should not once again fall into the hands of Taliban or any other militant group. However, at present, the silence of international community is giving birth to large number of doubts and it appears as if they have left Afghanistan and Afghans on their own.

However, ground realities are not so bad that we should be totally disappointed of the future of our country. Still, thousands of US and NATO forces are present in the country who are ready to support our forces when needed. There are currently more than 300,000 brave soldiers who are well-trained and equipped and can repel any kind of external and internal dangers. We are hopeful that our economy will slowly grow and become self-dependent. International community will not leave us alone and come for our help if the situation slips out of our hands. And the most important factor is a fact that Taliban and other militants are supported by their foreign masters and they are exerting their utmost powers but they will not be able to persist for long and soon our country will be again peaceful and we will not be in need of fleeing to any other country. What is needed is to show patience, keep our hopes alive and have firm faith on the future of our country.