Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Inclining Corruption Amidst Declining Economy

Every deed we undertake on account of greater interest is deemed a divine service that earns us virtue and fortifies our faith. If one tends to cut down or exploits the amount of time, authority and resources at his dispense for some heinous purposes is deemed an evil practice and unforgiveable deed. This is an act of corruption and equally condemnable deed. This evil practice give birth to thousands of harms, crucifies justice, equality, peace and order turning the society a breeding ground of viciousness and initialize the cycle of evil.

Afghanistan suffers the most at the hands of prolonged war. The four decades of war have earned nothing except ruins, countless miseries and devastation for poor masses. The year’s long war destroyed economic infrastructures completely and dragged Afghanistan towards annulment. No significant progress has been made albeit elongated international efforts to revive Afghanistan’s economy improve the living standard of people and create greater job opportunities provided that the menace of corruption constantly depleted the rate of progress is minimized. Afghanistan stands among the poorest countries of world with more than 60 percent of its population living below or slightly above the line of poverty; still some officials do not sympathize with Afghans. The most prior reason behind the failure to strengthen the backbone of Afghan economy is the severe security problems and deep-rooted corruption.

We have to admit the core reason behind the failure to strengthen the backbone of Afghan economy is the severe security problems and deep-rooted corruption. It is anticipated the government will work out a plan to eradicate this great menace. As the problem of security and corruption persist, there seems to be a declining chance of betterment, and people will still have to wait for actual prosperity. This is a grave state of worsening affair that presses hard the already wrecked economy of Afghanistan and utter negligence of government to tackle the peril of corruption. This is an undeniable fact either government is unwilling or hapless before powerful power abusers –despite the fact, president has been showing interest in lodging cases against power abusers.

Earlier, the Independent Joint Anti-Corruption Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (MEC) released its report that claimed corruption and irregularities taking place on a massive scale at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA). The report said current and former government officials and members of parliament had been able to appoint their relatives to key diplomatic positions at the ministry. It said ethnicity; favoritism and inter-personal rivalries raised questions over transparency in the procedure of hiring and firing employees in the ministry. Subsequently, some officials were sacked from their offices but those involved in the plot were not tried.

Undeniably, Afghanistan’s economy is the worst hit by consecutive quacks of corruption. The rumors of partial prosecution of multibillion dollar Kabul bank scandal diffused not, followed by Ministry of defense multimillion dollar scandal.  According to credible media reports, the ministry of defense officials plotted and executed a misappropriation of over 100m USD. This undoubtedly is a great deal of manipulation of position or authority and misuse of public property. The government must enforce its authority, inflicting stricter terms of punishment to those involved behind the plot, once are charged.

The National Unity Government (NUG) took the issue into consideration whilst promising to closely investigate cases of corruption in government institutions. Following the rumors of allegations the President Ghani assigned a commission to investigate the agreements has presented its report to the president –to date no confidential report is submitted to president and no one is tried in those cases. In the wake of renowned bank scandals and financial embezzlements, the international institutions had lost their confidence, undertaking any consignment with Afghan banks and donor countries hesitant to grant financial supports to poverty stricken country. This tragic incident certainly will earn us infamy.

Putting an end to this very issue requires committed leadership, owing to take serious and long lasting decisions against the elimination of the prevalent corruption. Many problems in the third world countries are associated with flawed or delayed fixation of responsibilities; the culprit either escape owning the unlawful activity or keep on shifting the responsibilities from one to another stakeholder. Finally, no one is brought to book and hence justice delayed is justice denied. Particularly, when justice is to be exercised against a high profile person, then the anticipation of recovery and evenhandedness die its natural death.

Seemingly, the unity government is all-encompassing government that contains every section of Afghan society; nonetheless it’s frequently subjected to prolonged suspension over making critical decisions on significant issues, as witnessed at present relative to distribution of ministries. In spite of unexpected delays in cabinet formation, an end to prevalent corruption will render one of the foremost challenges for both president and chief executive.

Despite these measures the corrupt officials enjoys misappropriating their positions, provided the system of general amnesty to potential power abuser are chained fast to the ground, given number of influential personalities involved in money embezzlement from public offices, heinous crime against citizens and power misuse were given amnesty without being subjected to strict measures entailing answerability. This attitude of government had discouraged new investments with remnants intended to downsizing and withdrawing a dire omen for progress of country needs immediate reversal by practical measures. This implies that the expanding role of government in development has placed some officials in a monopolistic position and has enhanced the opportunities for unlimited administrative misappropriation.