Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Muharram; The Month of Sacrifice!

As the holy month of Muharram has approached, responsibilities of government, security forces and citizens increase altogether. This year, this month is slightly different from other years because this time of the year, we are having so many security threats. At one side, we have Taliban who are carrying out massive attacks on a number of cities and towns of the country and they have successfully infiltrated through the security net of capital city Kabul as well. It was evident from their recent attacks in the most crowded places of the city. In case of any mass gathering on the occasion of Muharram, there are threats of attack from Taliban and other anti-state elements which may result in large number of people losing their lives or getting injured. Then there is the threat of militants of ISIS who have ominously increased their activities in Nangarhar province and neighboring places. It is also feared that they may also carry out attacks in order to disrupt the normal functioning of life in a number of cities of the country and especially in Kabul. Then we have the threat of those suicide bombers who are exclusively sent by our enemies to target the processions of this holy month. Our country witnessed a number of such horrendous attacks on such occasions of religious significance. Their aim was to target a specific group or members of a sect so that hate should be promoted between different ethnic or sectarian groups of the country.

As far as responsibility of government is concerned, it should make foolproof plans to make all the gatherings and processions of Shia community absolutely safe and secure. In this regard, responsible members of government should meet with the elders of Shia community and in the light of their suggestions; all the security and administrative plans should be finalized. In the light of experiences of both the government and elders of Shia community, the preparations can be given the final shape so that any shortcomings or mistakes of previous years can be eliminated.

Our security forces also carry a heavy responsibility of protecting the lives of our citizens in the important month of Islamic calendar. We are confident of our security forces and their preparations and performance on similar occasions were remarkable but it should not be forgotten that we are facing a number of threats from inside and outside the country. These enemies can come up with new and cunning techniques to foil our security arrangements and threaten the lives of citizens. In the light of previous experiences, all the arrangements should be made not only in Kabul but also in all the major cities and towns of the country.

However, the biggest responsibility lies on the shoulders of the elders and religious scholars of our country; both from Shia and Sunni community. It is a matter of proud and satisfaction that there is currently no hatred or religious bias on the basis of Shia and Sunni. In Afghanistan, Shia and Sunni Afghans have long lived, worked and enjoyed the life together. Same spirit is held in the month of Muharram when people cooperate with each other to express their love and gratitude for the sacrifice of the grandson of our Holy Prophet (SAWS). However, this air of unity and love is not digestible to our enemies and they keep trying from time to time to promote hatred between these two major sectarian groups of the country.

In this regard, the role of religious scholars and Imams of mosques is important. However, Muharram marks the remembrance of the sacrifices of the grandson of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and both Sunni and Shia equally love and admire the great sacrifice of Hazrat Hussain (A.S). We read in our history that when Shia Muslims used to mourn in their own way, Sunni Muslims also cooperated with them and they used to distribute rice among poor and served the thirsty with water. In short, this occasion brought two groups closer to each other and showed the universality of Islam.

This responsibility lies on our religious scholars and Imams of mosques to tell people about the actual spirit of this month and use this occasion to promote unity and cooperation between them.

Having a look at the present security situation, it would be more appropriate to arrange all the gatherings in closed boundaries and not make too much gathering on open roads. Even if mass gatherings are arranged on open roads, it must be taken care that no one should be disturbed or harmed on the name of a religious procession. Any such act will greatly harm the feelings of others. On the other hand, all the Afghans should promote positive comments and posts on social networking sites and discourage those comments or posts that provoke hatred.