Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Grave Human Rights Violation Reported in Kunduz

Man endures, not only when the part of the world in he resides is hit by natural calamities like earthquakes, famines, floods, diseases etc, but occasionally also at the hands of men driven mad by political, economic, social or religious power. In the former case, it takes the form of efforts to bring relief to the stricken. But whenever man has been made to suffer at the hands of other men, the conscience of humanity has been outraged, and the cry has gone round for some sort of guarantees to afford protection to him against the tyranny of his fellow human beings, so that he can be assured of at least his rights to life, liberty and security.

Nonetheless, seeing at the magnitude of aggression and barbarism has turned into an overriding phenomenon of our society, one tends to justify violence getting the unaccomplished undertakings done. Earlier the turn of every seasonal offensive the intensity of violence inclined rendering the foreign diplomats, public officials and civilians’ prime target of attacks –but every now and then the insurgents cling to overrunning the developed cities exercising far and wide bloodshed. The growing attacks on foreign and civilians indicates the insurgents are underlining their pretentious presence. The individuals driven by evil motives, put them in the black race of domination, leading to formation of a human society we witness at the moment, characterized by rule of mob, violence, aggression, innumerable bloodshed and ruthless killings of fellowmen. Unluckily our society at present is governed by some of identical dilemmas.

Factually stating, rights come second, first come the preservation of human’s priceless life –which they are not cognizant to. We must be predetermined to instill the realization “a human life worth thousands” followed by assertion of human rights that let him exercise his free will in accomplishing his desired goals without anyone’s meddling. Afghanistan suffering from decade of bloody conflict is in dire need of in-depth realization of profound human dignity.

Formerly, Taliban had launched storming attack, involving hundreds of fighters on the northern Afghan city of Kunduz that finally fell to Taliban. Subsequent to overrunning Kunduz, Taliban made resilient victory capturing Baharak district of Badakhshan Province and Kohistanat district of northern Sar-i-Pul province. Though the government via Ministry of Defense after a large-scale military operation, managed to retake Kunduz and other districts, yet one is rendered speechless to the degree of escalated aggression and civilian killings as a result of this seizure and its recovery. It is indeed a good sign the religious scholars unanimously declares Taliban’s deed illicit against the teachings of Islam.

It was rumored post seizure of Kunduz Taliban had executed tales of atrocities that included killings, lootings and rapes. These facts are tallied in the latest findings of Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) released earlier that revealed a list distressing crimes were committed by the Taliban and their affiliates during their siege on the northern city of Kunduz about three weeks ago. The report unveiled, murder, rape, looting, torture and beating, targeted killings, taking of hostages, sheltering in civilian homes, freeing prisoners, blocking roads and preventing civil services. According to the findings, the Taliban had violated human’s rights by attacking the civilians and sheltering in their homes. However the Taliban has repeatedly rejected these claims as untrue.

Furthermore the report went on to say that nearly 50 civilians were killed including a school teacher and 350 others were injured after the Taliban stormed the city. Based on the findings, 15 of those killed were attacked when they were fleeing their homes. At least 22 people were killed, including 12 staff members of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) hospital after it came under and airstrike. The aerial attack causing deaths of staffs of doctor without border was carried out by US forces –the commission that formed the report accused Taliban and their affiliates are responsible for all the crimes in Kunduz except for the bombings on a hospital belonging to “Doctors without Borders.” Luckily Taliban was evicted to carrying out this attack and the US forces must be held accountable for those killings. According to the findings of report the rebranded insurgent group is also hold responsible of displacing large number, round about 100,000 residents displaced.

This is not the final report that depicts the worst state of human rights violation at the hands of insurgents. A similar state of affair was unearthed formerly by UN’s report which is an eye opener for the government and its security institutions. The report discloses 1,000 civilians being killed in the Afghan conflict in the first four months of the year, while 1,989 were injured. It is not only the civilians who are preyed the aid workers aren’t spared either in the ongoing conflict. The UN chronicles contains serious reservations against ruthless killing of civilians in general and aid workers in particular. The report attributed most of the casualties to Taliban who is said to be engaged in large-scale attacks and bombings across the country as part of their summer offensive. The report depicts cowardice of insurgents who hold innocent civilians prey to head to their evil designs.