Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

The Timely Decision of US President!

The announcement of US president Barack Obama to reverse his previous decision and extending the stay of US troops in Afghanistan till the end of 2016 brought a lot of confidence for Afghans and all the world powers who look forward for a  stable Afghanistan for peaceful world. According to this plan, 9800 US troops will stay in Afghanistan until the end of 2016 while 5500 US soldiers will stay in Afghanistan after 2016.

This announcement of US president carries a lot of meaning in the present conditions. At present, when Taliban are exerting their final pressure on Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and have opened war at a number of disctricts and provinces in the country, the future of country seemed bleak and uncertain. According to many political experts, it was an alarming bell for the return of Taliban regime in the country. However, our forces have successfully defended almost all parts of the country and inflicted severe harm on Taliban. This announcement will boost up the spirits of ANSF, increase the confidence of common Afghans, make the government take bolder decisions regarding the future of the country and ensure the international community that Taliban will never return to power to endanger the security of the region and the world.

Although a number of political analysts and journalists of the United States have criticized this decision of US president and they reserve the right to have their say in the affairs of their government but as far as ground realities of Afghanistan was concerned, it was a much-needed decision.

First, the menace of Taliban is still the same and this year witnessed the surprising increase in their expansion of activities and strength in different parts of the country. For the first time in last 14 years, they were able to capture a major city in form of Kunduz and ANSF faced tough resistance from them when they wanted to recapture the city from Taliban. Last week, Taliban also carried out a massive attack on important city of Ghazni, which was repelled by ANSF. There are also reports that Head of Taliban, Mullah Akhtar Mansur also visited Ghazni and there were plans to start the new government of Taliban from this city but security forces dispelled their danger. The presence of US and NATO troops is necessary in the country until Taliban are not absolutely eliminated or they do not join the national stream through negotiations.

Similarly, Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) functioning on a very heavy cost and they require billions of dollars annually. The Afghan government cannot arrange this amount and depends on international powers and especially the United States to provide ANSF with required funding. If US soldiers had left the country, the probabilities of continuation of US funding for ANSF could have greatly decreased and maintaining such a big force could have been very difficult.

Similarly, Afghanistan does not have any facility or production of arms and ammunition for it security forces. At present, when ANSF are busy in fighting Taliban at a number of fronts, the continuous supply of arms and ammunition is very essential. Such a heavy supply and incessant supply of arms and equipment can only be provided to ANSF by the United States and this extension of their stay in the country can make sure that ANSF will be provided with all the needed materials in future as well.

Then there is the issue of Afghan government and economy which is totally dependent on international powers for its successful functioning. Due to the lack of local production and revenue generation, Afghanistan depends on international powers to meet its expenses. Same is the case with government and many other independent organs of the country like NGOs and even media. Now that US government has announced its support for Afghanistan, the trust of international community will be strengthened and all the governments and humanitarian assistance agencies will continue their cooperation with the Afghan government and people.

It must not be forgotten that if US and other world powers refuse to continue the help of Afghanistan in future and leave it alone like they did after Soviet Union, it is feared that country will once again fall into the hands of Taliban. As Taliban are closely associated with Al-Qaeda and can form unity with any other terror organization, there is present the danger of a civil war that may engulf the whole region in its blazes. Then Afghanistan has the danger of ISIS as well.

Although US and its allies have repeatedly vowed not to leave Afghanistan alone and continue their assistance until the country becomes absolutely self-dependent and a strong and democratic government takes roots in the country, much responsibility falls on the shoulders of Afghan Government and People. It must not be forgotten that international powers will not continue helping us forever and sooner or later, we will have take the control of our economy in our hands. For this it is needed that Afghan government should work to improve good governance and curb corruption as these two problems wasted all the international assistance of last 14 years. On the other hand, a common Afghan also needs to fulfill his responsibilities and perform his duties properly so that Afghanistan should no more remain dependent on others.