Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Societal Problems Pleads Prior Attention

Amidst the ongoing continued wave of violence unleashed –it appears as if terrorism the only predicament the war-torn land is coming across. The prevalent intimidation and dominant atmosphere of endless bloodshed has let everybody think of massive states of failure undoing the state of affair. Nonetheless, there are multiple areas that run morally bankrupt and ethically ruined and socially disordered. Certainly, it is not only the security state that goes downtrodden the other areas also overwhelmingly go mismanaged.

It is generally the loosening effect of law and order coupled with degeneration of moral values in a society which results in the spread of societal evils. Those evils can be defined in different subjects for instance some might only be ethical and some might relate to crime or it might violate certain established principles. The preferably disagreeable practices are detrimental to social bond of enhancive interaction, receiving superfluous acceptance among masses. In modern society, with special reference to Afghanistan, it is important to note that a number of social evils have grappled our country in its iron claws; in addition it seems impossible to get out of its tentacles unless immediate attention is given.

One of the major curse of which Afghanistan is suffering is bribery and corruption weakening the institutional performance of the country; a poison, that must be put down iron handed. Black marketing is the most colossal crime against society. There are other taboos flourishing, which are gradually decaying the society, creating anomalies such as economic disparity, excessive use of one’s authority, falling educational standard, promotion of crime and lack of proper life facilities.

Corruption, unemployment, smuggling, population explosion, inflation, terrorism, bribery, black marketing, adulteration, nepotism, and other social evils are cancer for any country. Human traits such as greed, hate, lust for power or wealth, arrogance, etc, and become social evils when they are allowed to grow in a society to a point that they become a part of that society.

Unemployment leads to poverty that incites to undeterred violence. Poverty leads to criminal activities like robbery, thefts, murder, kidnapping and looting. Now and then one can find headlines in the papers about their criminal activities. When people are unable to get their livelihood by honest means, they are bound to turn into criminals. Very often people find criminals living only in the slums. In fact, it is the property that has compelled them to take to social evils. The governments should devise ways and means to raise their standard of living through proper and implementable policies and strategies.               

The foundation of all evils is that society is made up of human beings that have all the weaknesses and faults that are inherent to being human. Human traits such as greed, hate, lust for power or wealth, arrogance, etc, and become social evils when they are allowed to grow in a society to a point that they become a part of that society.

Another, predicament running across our social consciences unfelt is growing child labor. The rule of land either is silent at the subject or owes subtly implemented provisions, shelved to add into the look of constitutional edifice. Notwithstanding, the children subjected endless afflictions and exploitation ranging from physical, mental abuses and tortures fails to earn the attention of guardian of law. Child labor not only causes damage to a child’s physical and mental health, but also keep him deprive of his basic rights to education, development and freedom. Keeping the gravity of problems in consideration the government of Afghanistan must take immediate steps for alleviating the child labor on war footing.

Institutional reforms to broaden Afghan political participation and punish corruption would be preferable, but institution building is fast slipping beyond reach. It may soon be necessary to settle for constraining favoritism at the margin by renegotiating today’s political deals between Kabul and sub-national power brokers to exclude only the worst abuses. In particular, land taking by criminal patronage networks is uniquely destructive; with Western patience and resources dwindling, preventing official land grabs could soon be the limit of the achievable.

The government should put all its efforts in upholding the rule of law. Every person should be treated equally irrespective of his material status. Often general people rebuke poor people and look at them with disdain, this should be prevented and the people should adopt a positive and helpful behavior towards the poor and the destitute. Seeing the law makers’ frequently breaking laws, the citizen finds it easier to go with wrong decisions, creating law and order problems. These measures would also contribute in encouraging evils in society. The government must make all possible efforts to curb these all nefarious trades.

At present state nations pursue their goals to collective progress, social wellbeing and safeguards from possible incursion. The consolidation of a state primarily pivots on the former requisites than latter, provided the universal notion of peaceful coexistence isn’t run-down. The role of nation states thereby is confined to provision of social services than keeping large standing army. Conversely, the nascent Islamic democratic state Afghanistan is distant yet to embrace the modern democratic norms of rule of law, pluralism, segregation of state and religion and civil liberties. A society at the behest of irrational discourse and traditional laws is bound to suffer and wander till the onset of pertinent cognition of introducing social reforms.