Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Practical Measures Required to Defeat Unemployment

Among the hopes that Afghanistan would be able to stand on its own after the withdrawal of international forces, the economic challenges still loom large. Economic infrastructure has not been developed and the country would require considerable time and support to reach to a point that may be considered satisfactory.

One of the most important economic challenges being faced is, undoubtedly, the rising unemployment, which is not only introducing frustration among the youngsters but also depriving the country from using its young population and potential for the good of the country.

Recently, there have been some demonstrations staged by Afghan youth against the growing unemployment as they are getting frustrated. Having required education and degrees, many youngsters should have jobs in their relevant profession, but they are compelled to saunter here and there aimlessly. Therefore, there are many who have opted for demonstrations against the government.

On Sunday, Nov 01, many protestors blocked entrance gate to the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled (MoLSAMD) against what they said growing unemployment and poor performance of the ministry to generate jobs for youth.

The protestors called themselves as members of a ‘Youth Movement Against Joblessness’ and they assembled in front of the ministry’s entrance gate at around 7am and blocked the ministry officials from entering their offices.

The protestors chanted slogans, “We are jobless,” “We are disappointed by the incompetent government”, “We want jobs” and “We show red cards to the ineffective government.”

The protestors said that they would continue blocking the ministry’s gate until their demands were addressed. They also mentioned that they had been protesting for two months in front of the parliament by erecting tents, but the government officials and parliament members did not pay attention to them.

Their main demands from the government were to stop giving a large amount of US dollars to useless officials, advisors and MPs in monthly salaries and instead generate jobs for the youths.

It is really important to understand the frustration and the demands of the unemployed youth. Unemployment, if left unattended, would ultimately give rise to many other problems in the country. Currently one of the basic reasons for the growing insecurity and rising rate of drug addiction is unemployment.

The capable youth who find no job opportunities join the ranks of the terrorists readily. The terrorists are ready to pay them and their families handsome amount for different evil tasks. Since, there are many parts of the country that have turned into markets for terrorists and terrorism, unemployed youth could be the most suitable commodity for them.

Moreover, frustration that may result from the lack of employment is another issue that the youngsters have to deal with. Because of family pressure and the psychological problems that arise from idleness, youngsters fail to keep integrity in their personalities and become the victims of social isolation and drug abuse. The rising rate of drug addiction throughout the country is a clear example. Many youngsters, having lost every hope and optimism in their lives, can be found lost in the filth of addicting drugs along the drains and on the garbage at different places. Can such youngster play a positive role for the future of the country?

Moreover, there are many youngsters who have lost all the hopes from the country and have fled to other countries for better future. Though some of them have reached to their intended destination, there are many who have not been successful in doing so. Some of them even lost their lives on the way; while there are many who are still on the way with their fates undecided.    President Ashraf Ghani, on the other hand, once again promised to create jobs for the citizens. He announced at the 5th National Community Development Councils Consultative Conference in Kabul that a number of programs will be launched in weeks to create employment for the citizens. He said that implementation of all government programs is linked to the economic growth of country. Stressing the need for implementation of National Solidarity Program (NSP) across the country, he said the programs of all the ministries would be run through NSP in order to develop the Afghan communities in all corners of the country.

Afghanistan’s economic system can only be strengthened when the capable and skilled individuals participate in strengthening the economic system. Especially the youngsters who get qualified from universities must be given opportunities to present and use their education and skills in the profession of their choice and interest. Young blood equipped with determination and patriotism can definitely play a significant role; all they need is equitable treatment from the prevailing system. The government must start taking practical measures before it is too late. Unless the promises are converted into practical steps it is very difficult to expect any change in the ongoing situation.  Moreover, equal job opportunities must be created for girls and women as well as they form an integral part of Afghan populace and can play a tremendous role in improving Afghan economic system.