Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

We must Pursue Peace

As there have been Insecurity, poverty and discriminations in different parts of world, there have been different types of social problems as well. Among them one of the most dominating one erupting from the countries with insecurity, disorder and poverty is Human smuggling.

Human smuggling takes place when the person being smuggled gets into any sort of agreement with the smuggler and gives his consent to be smuggled to the desired country. The agreement is basically decided on a particular amount of money that has to be paid by the customer to the smuggler after reaching to the destination. In most of the cases, however, the customer pays the money in advance as he has no other option. This creates a sort of problem as well, as he cannot get his money back from the smuggler if he is not taken to his destination.

Human smuggling is a complex phenomenon and it involves different individuals and some times groups. The whole process actually includes these individuals and groups as various players at different locations that take the customers to their desired place. The techniques used by different individuals and groups differ from one another and they include both legal and illegal ways of crossing the borders. One of the most disturbing facts about human smuggling is that it includes the risk of life. The illegal ways that are adopted through the process include very risky attempts within which the people can easily lose their lives. The border control police or forces in different countries can even shoot the people who try to cross the border illegally. However, the facts show that people consider this choice much better than the lives they are having in their own countries and happily agree to opt it. Another fact is that the people being smuggled do not always involve young men. They also include children, women and even old people and this makes the process even more pathetic.

Human smuggling is mostly a trend in the countries where the standard of life is not satisfactory and people suffer because of lack of economic facilities or they are threatened by instability that has even jeopardized their lives. Feeling dissatisfies for life or threatened by danger, they agree to give the rights of their lives to someone whom they may not even know and for that they even pay money. What they only have in their minds is the dreams of better lives, which may not be fulfilled at all but may easily fill the pocket of the ones who are involved in this dirty game.

Human smuggling has been happening in different part of the world.

With the growth of instability, human smuggling has evolved into a sophisticated service industry. And certain routes and enclaves used by smugglers have practically institutionalized; for instance: from Mexico and Central America to the United States, from West Asia through Greece and Turkey to Western Europe, and within East and Southeast Asia. A combination of interacting factors, like weak legislation and lax border controls to corrupt officials and the influence of organized crime, is responsible for the flourishing business of human smuggling.

Afghanistan is a country that has been the victim of this evil. The dissatisfied, insecure and poverty stricken life has compelled the people to leave their motherland and run towards any country where they can find comfort. The series of civil wars and religious fanaticism have made the life miserable for most of the people and many have migrated out of the country, among them there are many who have opted for being smuggled. Since the downfall of Taliban the circumstances are claimed to have improved but there are serious concerns that are developing after the withdrawal of international forces and return of instability. Taliban have made security a big challenge for the Afghan National Security Forces in different parts of the country. There are certain districts that are now under the control of Taliban. Civilians have been suffering much from this growth of insecurity as they are mainly the victims. At the same time, other threatening militant groups that are multiplying insecurity are also emerging in the country. Daesh is the most dominant one among them and is now threatening people because of its ruthless killings of the poor and innocent people.

People are thinking of securing their lives by leaving the country and the human smugglers have come to the scene to rescue them. The number of human smugglers has risen in Kabul where they are making good money by promising the people ‘bright future’. According to certain estimates, they charge people about $15,000 to take them on the risky way to Europe, Canada or Australia.

Human smuggling is really a serious crime and all the ways that strengthen the process must be checked properly through strong legal measures. At the same time Afghan government must make sure that ordinary people are provided the rudimentary requirements of life and stable political and social circumstances so that they should not go for this option.