Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Time to Secure Citizens Against Violence and Terror

Our fellow citizens in Urozgan and Helmand provinces, once again, became victims of terror, violence and inhuman wicked acts carried out by insurgents and terrorists over the last two days. Officials on Friday, July 29, 2011 said that 16 civilians, including a woman and a child, were killed and many more were injured when a passenger vehicle struck a roadside bomb in the Nahr-i-Siraj area of Greshk district.

On Thursday, July 28, 2011, 19 people got killed when a group of suicide bombers stormed government buildings in Tirinkot, Urozgan province. As usual, the president and other government and security officials passively denounced the deadly incidents.

President Karzai also said that the enemy wants to derail the security transition process, but they would not succeed. This statement is now added to another argument that is usually made after any bloody terrorist attack- that is the insurgents have lost the ability to fight face-to-face and therefore do suicide and roadside bombings.

The fact is that the militants have the capability to strike and inflict casualties and it is increasing day by day. Moreover, the enemies may be attempting to derail the transition of security responsibility from international troops to Afghan national security forces but the government must take measures to make sure that this process is not extremely bloody for Afghan citizens. The question is that what are the measures taken to counter the attempts by the terrorists to derail the process? Since the talks about transition started, Taliban militants and other insurgent groups have mounted their assaults against the notables as well as ordinary Afghans.

So the condemnations and statements with political overtones are not convincing for Afghan people anymore. The deadly incidents that occur on a day-to-day basis are not because the militants have lost their ability to directly face foreign and Afghan forces; they are rather down to a lack of clear strategic blueprints on the part of Afghan government as how to deal with deteriorating situation and the ineffective and flawed reconciliation and reintegration process.

We have often heard that the militants that join the flawed reintegration process for money use the immunity to carry out more deadly terrorist attacks. It is high time to protect Afghan citizens against the violence and terror of unhappy brothers practically.