Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Crimes Must be Controlled

In almost every society in the world there are crimes and disorders. Though there are certain societies that have done well in controlling most of their crimes, no perfection has been achieved in this regard and there is no society with zero crime. Crimes have detrimental influences over a society and its people; it welcomes chaos and disturbances and create the challenges of law and order. Crimes like, murder, robbery, embezzlement, rape and others are different forms of crimes and they basically influence individuals and groups and changes social order. Crimes are detestable and though human beings have tried to control them as much as possible they have not been able to avoid them completely.
Crimes may have different reasons. One of the basic reason is the controlling mechanism in the society itself. When such a mechanism tends to neglect justice and fair-play, there are great chances of increase in crimes. Finding loopholes in the system, the criminals commit crimes for getting gains which they can never achieve through lawful means. Moreover, finding the justice favoring only a certain class or group of people, the people belonging to other classes or groups do not show respect for the justice and order and therefore, commit crimes. 
There are other social evils as well that give rise to crimes. The evils like, poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and  drug addiction have a large contribution in promoting crimes. The people who suffer from poverty and cannot afford for even their basic requirements are forced towards crimes. Instead of falling prey to starvation and death, they prefer to commit crimes so that they are able to fulfill the overgrowing necessities of life. In similar fashion the youngsters who are unemployed also opt to become criminals as that is the way they earn their livelihood.
Therefore, it can be observed that the society that are poor and suffering from other social problems have high rate of crimes. They face so many social problems and do not have strong law-enforcement mechanism; therefore, they cannot control the crimes easily. Afghanistan is one of the same types of countries that suffer from poverty and weak law-enforcement system. Though there has been development in this regard, serious concerns still prevail and raise questions about the system. The police force in Afghanistan is still in the preliminary stages and it really requires years of attention and support to reach to a truly professional stage. There are many areas in the country where the police do have enough penetration and where they cannot reach to crimes and criminals. Then there are many areas wherein the people still go to traditional courts, which are dominated by religious and tribal leaders instead of going to the courts that are established by the government. This implies that they do not have confidence in the formal system of law and order that prevails in the country and that has not been able to control the crimes.
Even major cities of the country, that are comparatively equipped with better opportunities, experience a large number of incidents of crimes. Recently, a report by security chief of Balkh police headquarters has revealed that as many as 1,300 criminal incidents were recorded in northern Balkh province over the past year, which included, murder, robbery, theft, kidnapping, rape and some other crimes. It is important to note that the given numbers depict that crimes that have been reported.
There may be many others that have never been reported. Moreover, these are the numbers that are given by the police itself. And independent research may come up with other numbers that may show the situation to be worse than it really is. This is the situation in a province, which is comparatively considered as a peaceful province; what is the condition in other provinces that suffer from insecurity is not difficult to speculate. .
The government, therefore, requires looking at the situation seriously. It needs to strengthen the law-enforcement agencies and the pillars of justice and rule of law. There should be arrangements which should strive to control the crimes as they happen. And, even after the crimes, if the culprits are brought to justice and they are punished for their crimes in accordance to the law by law enforcement system, the crimes will be discouraged to a large extent.
Nonetheless, it is really imperative to keep in consideration that the law-enforcement system can provide short-term solution to the crimes.
If a society is really interested in controlling them there should be a long-term strategy that must deal with the basic reasons of the crime and try to nip the evil in the bud. There should be efforts to work on efficient administration, better economic condition, political stability, good governance, providence of basic human rights and control of corruption. Justice should reach to all the people of the society alike and the citizens must not feel alienated from the society. Moreover, there should not be discrimination as far as practical implementation of the criminal law is considered. Law should not serve the rich alone; rather all should be treated equally in this regard.