Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Ways to Fight Boring Routine

Human beings for many centuries have strived for organized life and different systems in their societies and they have been able to have some gains in this regard as well. They, now live in states, which have their political, economic and social systems that are based on certain rules and law. However, the different systems, structures and patterns that human beings have developed have caught them in a repetitive circle of activities that have made their lives very much boring. Thus, they have been caught in the quagmire of routine.
Different structures and patterns have developed human lives in such a way that they do not have any other choice but to follow routines in order to achieve their objectives. Though the routines can be of some assistance in mastering a profession or earning a livelihood, it proves to be very much boring and colorless and most of the times make the people psychologically weaker and tired.
There is a famous proverb that says that variety is the spice of life. Changes in life make life better and colorful. However, routine keeps on repeating similar activities every day, which ultimately results in boredom. Human psychology is attracted more towards the activities that are new and different. Repetition would make the adventure and suspense vanish and make the activity dull and lifeless. Routines can sometimes become the reason of intense frustration and serious psychological problems; therefore, it is necessary to handle it carefully.
The frustration that comes out of routine displays itself through various means; the example can be easily observed in daily life. People working in offices often have skirmishes with each other on pity matters. Teachers, because of very small mistakes, punish the students and even beat them. Traffic police, who has been working for years on the same square, have zero tolerance for any disobedience. There are many such instances which clearly depict that frustration from routine results in skirmishes and even serious fights.
It is necessary to manage routine in an appropriate manner. Ways should be identified and pursued that may result in lightening the load of the daily tasks. If it is not possible to change the routine, there are certain other techniques that can assist in making routine acceptable to a certain extent. Daily exercise can be very much helpful in this regard. Exercise before the work, mostly early in the morning, can help in keeping good health and at the same time good mind. Apart from that weekly or monthly outings and picnics or even celebrations of different kinds can support people in refreshing their minds. These will also help in maintaining a balance between work and fun, which is very much necessary for all human beings. Exposure visits or trips to other cities and countries annually and biannually can also be very much supportive in this regard.
The techniques to fight routines are not only helpful for the individuals but they can be very much supportive for the management of different organizations as well. Today’s modern techniques of management would require taking care of the human factors in work environment as well. They want to make sure that their workers are provided some sorts of activities that can help them in escaping the ghost of routine and monotony as it would ultimately result in less production and output. Therefore, they have different sorts of field trips and training facilities to keep on increasing their capacities and changing their perceptions and understandings. Management of the organizations can also bring about changes in the daily work environment, like changing the seating arrangement and decorations, in different ways so as to avoid boredom.
Although the routines can be very tiresome, they can be very much helpful in achieving an intended objective. Sometimes the goals are really very difficult to achieve; therefore, persistent efforts would be required to achieve them. A good example can be considered in this regard; water is considered to be very soft as compared to rock and it is very difficult to think that water would ever break the stone or make a hole in it. Nonetheless, it can be observed that with consistency, water can break the stone or make a hole in it. Same is the case with human cause or purpose; if there is a great cause and that is very much fruitful for the society as a whole, it is worth a routine. We all have possess routines, but they should pursue some purpose and provide a result that we can see and take some comfort from, or else they are of no use.
In short, we are human beings and not machines. Today’s mechanical life has restricted us to tough routines but we need to know that we need entertainment and refreshment as well, as we possess a sensitive heart and a busy mind.