Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Unemployment: A Menace for the Society

It is widely accepted that unemployment is one of the most serious issues in a society. It, in itself is a grave problem, but at the same time gives rise to many other social, economic and political issues. It is because of the unemployment that the valuable human resource within a society is not brought to use or it is mostly used for negative purposes and therefore results into disorder and disturbance instead of being used for development and prosperity.
It is said that an idle mind is devil’s workshop; therefore, the people who are unemployed do not get the chance of bringing their minds and their skills to work; therefore, they are used elsewhere – mostly somewhere where they can find any sort of opportunity without the thought of considering the negative and positive aspects or the concept of right and wrong.
Though most of the countries in the world today face the issue of unemployment, the underdeveloped and the developing countries suffer from this menace to a large extent. As, the basic infrastructures in such countries are not developed and they lag behind in the process of industrialization, they are not able to create ample financial and developmental opportunities; therefore, new jobs are not created, which generates challenges for the authorities to compensate the ever-increasing population. The number of the capable people who have required qualifications and can work increases but the society and systems cannot compensate for them appropriately and, therefore, they become a part of the detestable unemployment.
It is not only because of the lag in the industrial revolution but unemployment has also to do with lack of determined and honest efforts to create job opportunities for the people. The agricultural societies, though may not be on the top regarding the industrial development, can also play a great role in creating opportunities for the qualified people. Some of the developing societies in this regard have taken some great initiatives and they have been successful as well. Therefore, it is also important that there should be determined and honest efforts to create new and innovative opportunities so that more and more of the human resource can be brought to work.
Afghanistan is one of the countries that have been suffering from the evil of unemployment. Though insecurity and terrorism are making headlines in Afghanistan, the most important issue being faced by the country today is poverty and unemployment. There are direct links between the insecurity and unemployment, which are neglected altogether. Unfortunately, behind the hyped news of terrorism, the issue of unemployment has become less important. However, it deserves as much attention as the growing insecurity and terrorism and even more than that.
This issue should be dealt immediately by Afghan authorities because it is becoming as the root of many other social issues in the country. The social problems like insecurity, immigration, drug addiction and crimes are mainly because of unemployment. If there are people who deserve to be working somewhere but are not provided the opportunity, there is huge likelihood that they will opt to join the ranks of the terrorists, become drug addicts, commit crimes or plan to migrate.
A recent survey conducted by Pajhwok Afghan News has revealed that joblessness in the northern province of Sar-i-Pul has forced youth to seek refuge in drug addiction, committing crime and leaving the country in droves. According to a statement by Faiz Mohammad, Chairman of Siyad District Development Council (DDC) up to 80 percent of youth remain jobless in the winter season, but they find work in Sar-i-Pul and other provinces like Jawzjan and Balkh provinces in the summer.
The survey report reveals that since March, 2015, more than 10,000 passports have been issued to residents of Sar-i-Pul. The passport department head in the province, Syed Noor Ahmad Sadat says that most of the recipients intend leaving the country for Iran, Saudi Arabia and European countries in search of better living conditions.
Moreover, poppy cultivation and drug addiction are also on the rise in the province. Director of Counter-Narcotics Hamidullah Hamid says that joblessness, insecurity and poppy cultivation are pushing many into addiction. In 2015, nearly 1,000 hectares of land had been cultivated with poppies in the province, but the area under poppy cultivation has doubled this year. Recently a 20-bed rehabilitation centre for drug addicts was built in the province and the Public Health Department will recruit staff for the facility in the near future, adds Hamid, who believes the initiative is insufficient.
Moreover, the acting police chief, Col. Anayatullah Habibi, says 243 people, including 213 men, 20 women and 18 children, have been arrested in connection with 180 incidents of crime since March 2015 in the province. Twenty murders, 26 robberies, 48 injuries, six sodomy offences, five adultery instances and 75 different crimes are included in the 180 cases. Police investigations show 80 percent of the cases occurred due to poverty and joblessness.
The other provinces in the country are no better. Therefore, the Afghan government must deal with this problem on top priority basis. The issue of unemployment is more dangerous and urgent than the issue of insecurity and terrorism. Having solved this issue, Afghan government would be a huge step closer to solving the issue of terrorism and insecurity.