Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Calls for Support to Afghan Peace Initiative

The notorious Pakistani tribal region across the borderline was once more marked as the world's most dangerous place. US and EU officials have frequently warned against shifting terrorism and extremism hotbed in the Pakistani side of the country's common border with Afghanistan. This is what president Karzai's administration has been regularly complaining about. However, it has been ignored by its international allies involved in the peace building process here.

Following long struggles to overcome the challenge, international and regional actors remain unsuccessful in the fight against Taliban, Al Qaeda and its allied terrorist groups. No need to say, in the course of last decade, the international community involved in the process of fight against terrorism, regional countries and Afghan government and nationals have paid huge costs to hamper growth of extremism and keep security and peace in the region and across the globe. But how could that work if roots of extremism are still alive and terror production networks freely operate across Afghan-Pakistani border?

Increasing insurgency and deterioration of security in Afghanistan and intensifying extremist activities in Pakistan have caused enormous fear among Afghan nationals, government and the international partners contributing to the peace mission here.

The trouble is turning graver as security transition process is launched in Afghanistan and coalition forces have begun their gradual withdrawal from the long exhausting war against the unknown enemy here. It is because the government of Afghanistan and thus its international partners are to a great extent confused about whom they are battling with.

The bewilderment was enhanced soon after President Karzai categorized Taliban and offered peace negotiations to those groups he named as good Taliban and his dissident brothers. With the peace negotiations being actively pursued by the High Peace Council that has been established to serve this purpose, militants have got more courage to carry on operations.

To this end, the government of Afghanistan and his partners are calling upon regional countries, particularly Pakistan, to practically and genuinely support peace activities in Afghanistan. Western officials have frequently pressured Pakistani government to take practical steps to strengthen peace initiatives in Afghanistan through curbing militancy and cracking down extremism hotbeds in Pakistani restive areas.

In a tripartite meeting among Afghanistan, US and Pakistan, Mark Grossman, President Obama's special envoy for the two countries on Tuesday called upon Pakistani government to take practical steps to support peace activities in Afghanistan. No doubt, the long Afghan-Pakistani border is the real mainstream of terrorism and a hideout for militants. But the burning question that remains unanswered is what effective mechanisms are set to prevent militants' penetration to the afghan side of the restive borderline.