Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Afghanistan Earns 7 Golds in SAG

Games have always played an important role in the lives of individuals and societies. They are not only a part of entertainment but, at the same time, an important reason for better health conditions. Moreover, they are also an opportunity for different nations of the world to make themselves known to the world and earn pride by achieving great performances. Today, there are many nations of the world that are recognized because of the particular sports they have performed in. In addition, the players who have won distinctions in different games are mostly recognized along with the names of their countries.
Games are also very much helpful in developing social interactions and strengthening them to a great extent. The most important thing that it teaches the sportsmen is the team work. The players, being parts of different teams, learn to manage social interactions and relations and start mastering the very basic rule of the society, which is social interdependence.
On the other hand the games are also very much helpful in strengthening the ties between the nations. Two nations competing in a game can have better understanding of each other’s culture and tradition, which can help in bringing the nations closer to each other.
The games can also be helpful in keeping the members of a society away from the negative activities. They have always been considered as useful tools in reducing the use of drugs, crimes and other nonconstructive activities.
There are different sports events throughout the world that attract people to a great extent, bring them together and at the same time provide a huge amount of entertainment. The South Asian Games (SAG) is an important one among such events.
The South Asian Games (SAG), a multi-sport event, is basically the regional Games of the Olympic Council of Asia, also sometimes considered as South Asian version of Olympic Games. It is governed by South Asian Sports Council (SASC), which was formed in 1983. The games were first hosted by Kathmandu, Nepal in the year 1984. Except for few occasions, the event is taking place every alternate year. Currently, the members of the event are the eight South Asian countries namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
The event is aimed at promoting sports with a view to boost up the team spirit as well as an amiable relationship between the South Asian countries.
The 12th South Asian Games have just ended in India. 23 sports disciplines were held in 26 venues across the cities of Guwahati and Shillong (16 in Guwahati and 7 in Shillong).
The good news is that Afghanistan stood fourth and earned a total of 35 medals: 7 Gold, 9 Silver and 19 Bronze. Afghans did the best in Taekwondo and bagged six gold medals, one silver and one bronze in the finals of the Taekwondo event in the Games. India stood second and won five gold, three silver and two bronze medals.
Keeping in view the conditions in Afghanistan and the amount of the concentration and money devoted to the sports, it can be concluded that what Afghanistan has achieved in the Games is really a great achievement. The government in Afghanistan has mostly devoted itself to the issues of security and politics, while different sports have almost been neglected, yet again the sportsmen in the country have been brilliant. It can be witnessed that different individuals and teams, in certain sports have not disappointed the nation though they face myriads of problems in their games. The competing countries were comparatively having more advantages as their countries devote more budget and energy for the sports. For Afghanistan to expect a sufficient budget for sports is really very difficult as there are many other basic requirements to concentrate on.
However, it is imperative for Afghanistan to understand that the sportsmen have brought them great name. Recently, they have been raising the flag of the country in different parts of the world and proving that Afghans are no worse than others in the world of sports. Therefore, it is vital for the authorities in Afghanistan to understand that the games and sportsmen have a higher role than just playing games; therefore, they should be given due attention and they should be provided with the facilities so that they are able to compete with other nations of the world. Different sports institutions should be maintained properly and they should be free of corruption and discrimination. It is the spirit of sports that talent should be respected and promoted; therefore, all the sports institutions must have high regard for talent.
If promoted properly, sports can turn into a weapon to fight against the evils like terrorism and drugs, which have influenced our nation, especially our youth to a large extent. We, therefore, need to promote sports and make it a way to divert the attention of the youth from these evils.