Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

The Trilateral Core Group

Afghanistan and Pakistan have been the countries that have experienced the worst consequences of terrorism. Terrorism has penetrated in both the societies to a very large extent. The terrorism networks have deep and complex roots in the areas around the Af-Pak border. Though both the countries have clearly announced their will to fight the terrorism they are yet to go miles in order to reach to success.

And if both the countries co-operate with each other there will be speedy progress towards victory. Along with these two countries U.S. has a dominant role as well in the war against terrorism. Following the incident of 9/11, U.S. has been playing the leading role in this war especially in Afghanistan. Now, U.S. troops after more than 10 years of war are in the process of withdrawal and by the end of 2014 there may be complete withdrawal but there are concerns, regarding the future of this war as victory has not been complete yet. Further, the political and economic future of Afghanistan is also ambiguous. The security situation in Pakistan is not satisfactory either. In such a context, all three countries have to sit together and find out proper solution of the issue.

One of such endeavors is the trilateral Core Group including Afghanistan, U.S. and Pakistan. This group has been maintained to have negotiations among the representatives of these three major countries in the war against terrorism, and suggest possibilities of practical solution to the problem. This group involves negotiations on secretary level and also includes military and intelligence representatives and mostly covers tactical issues. The third and most recent of this group's meeting was held on August 3, 2011 in capital city of Pakistan – Islamabad.

One of the most important agenda of this meeting has been the reconciliation process with Taliban. Though there have been endeavors by U.S. and Afghan government for a political reconciliation with Taliban that should result in peaceful settlement of the issue of terrorism in the region and the idea has been backed by Pakistan as well, tangible outcomes are yet to be achieved.

U.S. government wants to make sure that there are certain achievements made before the complete withdrawal of international troops from Afghanistan, so that the possibilities of the rebirth of Taliban as the dominating force in Afghan politics and as the backers of international terrorist networks must be minimized as much as possible. Moreover, the international community can not afford to have their forces in Afghanistan for longer period of time because of economic crisis in their countries and growing public opinion in the favor of withdrawal.

In such a scenario peace process with the co-operation of the three states in the trilateral group seems inevitable. But it has to be carried on with larger perspective of the benefit of the entire region in particular and international community in general in mind. Currently, there have been some bad patches in the relations among the three countries.

The cross border rocket firing issue between Afghanistan and Pakistan has yet to be resolved. Definitely there have been talks in the current meeting regarding that issue, but such minor discrepancies should be avoided as much as possible keeping in view the greater challenges that these countries have to face. In addition, there is a great margin of improvement in the U.S. relations both with Afghanistan and Pakistan before they can reach to remarkable achievements in the peace process.