Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

The Political Syndrome

The approach of Afghan government towards a wide range of issues is vague and confusing. It seems that the administration as a whole does not have any particular, dependable, long-term and dilemma-unraveling policies. There are no clearly defined policies to which public employees, civil servants, administrator and politicians stick and coordinate their activities and functions in a manner to get systematized and as whole achieve certain objectives. In other words, there are sets of general objectives, but no clear policies and planning to achieve them. 
The severe syndrome can be understood from contradictory statements and remarks. Those remarks are not sign of minor theoretical differences but go deep down to lack of defined approaches and policies.
An emerging social fragmentation is possible in a country which has seen three decades of war and violence. The present social disorders, political crisis and economic stagnation are some vital factors which may lead the country to a calamity. This chronic problem has debilitated the country and its social fabric. The social and political institutions have entirely crumbled and degenerated due to this chaos. An ominous shadow darkens the country more than ever before. Indeed, the three decades of war caused a great havoc in Afghanistan which has left Afghan politicians in confusion. Therefore, it is believed that Afghan officials will have to be on their toes. The political elites need to think of effective ways of improving the situation.
Political struggle is not only going on amongst the political candidates but also exists amongst some of the countries that have a stake in the economic and political prospects of Afghanistan. A veil of mystery surrounds political talk which is going on between Afghan and foreign political leaders.
In addition, the balance of power may turn into a controversial issue. Of course, a war-torn country that has experienced three decades of war, including a civil war, will not gain political maturity within a decade of experiencing so-called democracy.
The deputy CEO, Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq, while addressing gathering in Kabul on Friday March 04, 2016, stressed on peace talks with the Taliban. He, however, threatened that if peace talks failed, then people are ready to defend their country.
He also criticized the share of political power in the National Unity Government by saying that “We have five ministers in the National Unity Government (NUG), but authority of these ministers is with others. We want a real partnership and management in all areas including police and national army.”
Moreover, within the last almost 15 years of presidential-style government, ethnic discrimination was easily tangible especially in official places and in the political fields. No doubt, it will take a long time to eliminate ethnic conflicts from the country. Moreover Afghan people are stuck in maze, which is not an easy national path.
Now, it is clear for people that the coalitions of political parties patched together in lofty buildings were just a flash in the pan. They were boasting about unity, social harmony and political achievements, however, very soon they divided into many groups due to political interests which led to public disappointment. It is beyond a shadow of doubt that actions speak louder than words, but unfortunately there is a complete disharmony between the actions and words of political leaders. Hence, such attitudes have built a wall of mistrust between people and politicians. In other words, people have lost their desire to vote.  
The issue of terrorism is another factor which affects the political structure of the country and has turned into a great cause for worry. People are highly susceptible to the acts of terror carried out by Taliban militants. These questions arise in the minds of every Afghan citizen about what is the government’s strategy concerning the terrorist issue? Will Taliban militants be strengthened or weakened? Who will be the winner in the coming years, terrorist or the government?
Though, Pakistani Foreign Office (FO) spokesman, Nafees Zakria, told reporters Islamabad on Friday that direct talks between the Afghan government and the Afghan Taliban “may take place in coming days.” He Further added that efforts for holding the talks were underway. Adding that convening the meeting was a “shared responsibility” of the four countries involved in the quadrilateral process: Afghanistan , Pakistan, the US and China.
The future of peace and tranquility in Afghanistan would largely depend on the support of international troops regarding the security situation. United States, China can play vital role in the ongoing peace process between Afghan government and Taliban.
It is vital that International community including US and China should continue its support to Afghanistan. 
There are myriads of challenges that Afghanistan would face this year, and those challenges can only be faced through sufficient support from international community. 
Afghans crave peace and prosperity which are only possible if eradication of the Taliban-led insurgents is undertaken.