Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Embracing Differences

It is one of the main attributes of a person that he is different from others. He is born in different conditions, brought up differently and he possesses a distinct way of thinking; therefore, he is bound to have a totally unique personality, unlike others around him. Though the level of the difference with others may be low or high but there always is certain difference.
The same can be found among different groups of people. Consequently, we can find different societies in the world with myriads of cultures and, all these cultures and subcultures have mores and values of their own and may be different from others or even contradict them. These facts embellish our world with variety and provide every individual and group a particular identity.
However, that is only a positive way of looking at the things. Unfortunately, the differences in personalities and groups have resulted in different sorts of tussles and misunderstanding and even wars. These have generated distinct interests and all the individuals and groups, in today’s world, pursue those interest. Ill-fatedly, they do not hesitate to use violent means against others to satiate their own interests.
The societies that are comparatively open-minded and civilized have a better level of understanding among people with differences. While, the societies that are conservative and extremist, do not have such understanding and our society is one of the same.  In our society the disparity in perspective and outlook between two persons or two groups of people means being each other’s enemy. This sort of attitude has created a great deal of mistrust among the people.
In fact, every individual and group thinks that it knows all the truths in the universe and has all the positive qualities in the world; that it has been the most blessed and beloved group on the face of earth and that the developments that have taken place throughout the history are basically because of it – in fact, it thinks that the whole world and the incidents in the world revolve around it and it is the main character of the novel while all others are supporting characters or side-heroes.
This is a very narrow-minded attitude towards life and towards the variety in life. People, in our society, fail to understand themselves and their cultures in the perspective of their contexts. Every culture has its context and because of the same it may be different from others but not necessarily better or worse. Considering difference as something worse can only lead to conflicts and civil wars, and we need to understand this fact urgently.
We must know and recognize that whatever others think that can be truth as well. In fact, neither we have come from out of universe nor anyone else. Why is that we are not ready to trust anyone else’s opinion and thoughts? Why is that we consider the truth as a chapter in our own book? And the same question applies to our opponents as well.
It is the same right that we and our opponents demand and that is the right to have opinion. Yes, it is correct that we can have that right but we must take care and understand the same right of our opponent. We both have to trust each other and realize that what the other person is saying is basically his opinion, not a sin or a crime. If there is no such trust then there is no need of sharing opinions and ideas and then there is no other way of deciding what the truth is. First, it is really necessary that there should be trust over each other’s intentions and then we can start the discussion and arguments so as to find truth.
There should be discussions and discussions must be continued. However, the unfortunate fact is that there is no discussion at all. In fact, we have not yet learnt the manners of discussions. What we are doing is not discussion but striving earnestly to impose our opinions and ideas on others. We are, in fact, habitual of abusing each other and showing how illiterate and ignorant we are.
Discussion, in the real sense, is the practice of the wisdom and understanding of human thinking and mind. And it seems we lack wisdom and understanding, therefore, what we practice is nothing more than frustration. Unless, we overcome this frustration and invite wisdom and understanding with open arms and have healthy discussions with one another, we are not able to bring about positive changes in our personalities and in the long run in our habits and our society.
Let’s trust one another and let’s establish a healthy relation between us and our urge for truth and let’s start healthy discussions with one another and reach to the truth – the actual truth, the one that can emancipate us from the darkness of ignorance and can bring us to light, show us what is right for us and what we have to do as the most superior creature on the planet or may be in the whole universe.