Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Learning Must Continue

Human beings are different from other living beings because of their superior quality of learning. They have the instinct of enquiry and craving for knowledge. Since the very beginning of their lives, human beings start the process of knowing and understanding different things and phenomena around them. Thus, it can be said that human beings have inquisitiveness in their nature. All they have to do is keep that alive and it will open vistas of knowledge and learning for them.
It is important for learning that the thirst for it should be kept intact or even it should be strengthened. Human beings, therefore, must keep this thirst alive and keep on learning new things with the passage of time. It will equip them with the capabilities to further understand the universe and most importantly understand themselves and their societies and would provide them with the potential to guarantee their survival. 
However, the major point of consideration is that throughout their lives, at different stages, the process of learning must be kept alive by different factors and different people in the society. Different people have different roles and responsibilities, which they have to use to keep the candle of learning alight.
The first institution where human beings start their learning is a family. The parents are, thus, the first teachers. It is through parents that children start learning a language and form the foundations on which they construct the building of their knowledge. Parents prepare the children for what they are going to learn in the years to come. Parents, in fact, do not install the urge for learning within the children. The urge to learn and the thirst to know are already there. The parents only require to keep that alive; or even assist in increasing that.
However, on certain occasions, the parents discourage that urge and strive to install within the minds of the children what they know themselves. They want the children to be their carbon copies; copying what they teach them. The inquisitiveness, the curiosity and keenness that are the natural gifts of the children are thus spoiled in that case and the children become habitual of getting fed by their parents instead of searching for knowledge themselves.
Another institution that plays a tremendous role in supporting the children to learn is school. Though schools assist children in learning to a great extent, they can also be responsible for snatching from children their precious gift – the capacity to learn. Certain schools use the methods and ways that are not at all supportive in learning; rather, they discourage children to a large extent.
They mostly emphasize the administrative aspects and strive for discipline and obedience. They, therefore, require students not to think in their own ways, and pursue their own objectives; they, in fact, snatch the creative and innovative tendencies of the children and turn them into robots that are programmed to generate a particular set of outputs. 
On the other hand, the use of fear is also one of the methods that is applied in schools and it is highly responsible for killing the students’ craving to learn.
Dominated by the fear of punishment, the students are reluctant or they are discouraged to pursue creativity and inquisitiveness for learning. The students that have more questions are mostly punished or discouraged.
Teachers, therefore, must strive to keep the students’ craving for learning alive instead of inculcating in them the readymade thoughts and concepts. Teachers must support the students in polishing their capacities to develop their own understanding, instead of making them repeat like parrots.
The habit of learning keeps a person updated and ready to face the overgrowing changes of changing world. As, with each passing moment the universe is expanding and along with it the knowledge, it is essential that human beings must never give up the habit of learning. At the end of each day a person must have something new that he has learnt. It is the only way that a person can remain updated and young. He, in this manner, never gets old and outdated.
For human beings to keep on learning the central concept is to consider that a person has never learnt enough. As the great philosopher Aristotle used to say, “I know that I don’t know anything.” It is the very basic step. The realization that a person knows that he knows not leads to true learning.
On the other hand the ones who believe that they are not ignorant and know everything, for them all the doors to learning are automatically closed. They, from the very first step, deny to open the vistas of knowledge to themselves. They are basically the blind believers who are unfortunately sure that they have enough knowledge, while on the contrary, they are the ones who need the most of it. And, they are, undoubtedly, the most ignorant of all.