Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Paralysis of Three Branches of Power

The crisis between the three branches of power- executive, legislature and judiciary- is becoming protracted. This has affected service delivery by the executive institutions, legislation and oversight by the legislature and calls the decisions made by Supreme Court into question because Wolesi Jirga is busy in efforts to defend its status and protect rule of law, the Supreme Court is run by some judges whose term has expired, the attorney general has been a no confidence vote by the parliament and the president is engrossed in how to play out the game he started to his own advantage.

In fact, there is a sort of paralysis in the three branches of power. The fragility of the overall political and security situation has served as a deterrence against any radical move by the parliament. It has already raised the issue of impeaching the president for acting extra-constitutionally in the case of setting up Special Election Tribunal and many other failures but some of the MPs have said that any act of this kind should be put off due to the overall and supreme exigencies and interests of the country at the time when insurgents are making their way into the capital and different other provinces and have increased their terrorist attacks across the country.

The people are waiting for the endgame between these three branches of the government. On Monday, August 08, 2011, a coalition in the Wolesi Jirga warned that if the parliament's decisions are not enforced, president Karzai's credibility would come into question. Talking to a press conference in Kabul, Mohammad Rafiq Shaheer, an MP from Herat province said, "If decisions taken by the Wolesi Jirga are not going to be implemented, we can question the president's credibility under Article 69 of the constitution.

" Recently, president Karzai asked all the parties involved to exercise flexibility in solving the problem and sources from the presidential palace have said that he is going to announce his decision about the Special Election Court very soon.

It is not clear when the president will declare his decision and what will be the nature of his decision. It is hoped that the president has learned from his mistake to establish the court-that is to open the Pandora's box- and decide wisely to bring an end to the ongoing crisis so that the three branches can begin to address other urgent and pressing issues facing the country.