Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Taliban’s Momentum should be Reversed!

At the crucial juncture where Afghanistan is standing today, many analysts are of the view that Afghanistan will face the worst security situation this year but no one knows what the future will bring. Historically, governments have been collapsing overnight in Afghanistan. With the withdrawal of international troops, security and stability of Afghanistan would highly depend on the decision its government makes. However, international allies commitments to not let Afghanistan alone for a long term behind their troops withdrawal is appreciable as Afghan people would need international support so that their country can move towards peace and stability. 
Despite the pledge by the international community to continue its support for a long period, there is no need to overly optimistic about Afghanistan’s future. Nonetheless, Afghans’ are concern due to persisting menace of the growing Taliban insurgency have become manifold. They fear that Afghanistan would fall into severe instability. Afghan government’s failure in tackling issues such as rampant corruption, weak governance, extending rule of law and bringing administrative and judicial reforms has further worried the people. Such failures if one the hand has internationally defamed the former and current Afghan government on the other have benefited the Taliban who are reluctant to start peace negotiation with the Afghan government and use the peace and reconciliation process as a tool to reach their own objectives. 
On the other hand, the Taliban are often said to have lost their capability to fight Afghan and foreign forces face to face. The bitter fact is that the militants have launched their spring offensive and continue to cause problems for local people in different provinces. For instance, the Taliban have been closing schools and poisoning schoolchildren. They also continue to target public places. As part of the Taliban's so-called "spring offensive" they have been able to carry out coordinated attacks in Kabul and other major cities. Recently, they had conducted well-coordinated attacks in Kabul and some other cities in April. Denouncing attack in Kabul, President Ashraf Ghani said that the enemies have lost the capability to fight face to face with Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF), adding that such coward acts will not affect the people and ANSF moral in war on terror. CEO Abdullah Abdullah also condemned deadly suicide car bombing in Kabul, calling the attack a clear sign of terror groups in battlefield against the ANSF. He urged the political elites to prioritize the national interests and defy terror attacks, insisting that the ANSF have clear orders to destroy enemies anytime and anywhere in the country.
The militants claim the responsibility for the attacks time and again that targeted civilians and security personal.
Reports now indicate that fighting has been going between ANSF and militants in many provinces which shows that the Taliban wish to continue the fighting in the battlefield and have the capability to engage ANSF for a while.
Although, There is no doubt that everyone knows about the evil nature of the Taliban. They have a destructive ideology that eliminates others. The Taliban do not believe in a dialogue among different political, social and cultural groups. They believe that all those who are unlike them must be eliminated. This ideology has manifested itself in the Taliban’s involvement in massacres, and destruction of Bhudda statutes during their rule, suicide attacks they have been carrying out over the last fifteen years. The Taliban do not accept any role for women in the society, and even oppose girls’ education.
The Taliban are against any manifestations of modern lifestyle. They employ any tactic and any means to achieve their goal by even employing women and children to carry out suicide attacks. Afghan police on many occasion arrested children and teenagers while they were carrying explosives and hand-made grenades. National and International organizations have expressed serious concerns over child recruitment as military forces. Reports indicate that the Taliban are the main cause of civilian casualties. Those casualties are usually caused by suicide attacks, roadside bombings that target international and Afghan forces or some high profile government officials and agencies.
Surely, the Taliban are now hated by Afghans. Grown tired of the Taliban’s restrictions, people have revolted against the militants in volatile provinces because they did not want to keep their children deprived of education, and their healthcare centers and bazaars to be closed. This shows that National Unity Government (NUG) has failed to protect people against the Taliban. NUG must launch an anti-Taliban discourse and mobilize the people against them.   
In a hard-hitting speech to a rare joint session of parliament, President Ghani said on Monday April 25, 2016 that "The (Taliban) faction involved in death and destruction in Afghanistan is being guided by its slave-like leadership in Peshawar and Quetta who enjoy inflicting bloodshed and destruction on the people of Afghanistan. They do not possess welfare and prosperity plans for Afghans nor do they worry about respecting their wishes and needs adding that Pakistani leaders promised they would use force against Taliban leaders who refuse to end the war and join Afghan peace talks.
“It is our exception that if Pakistan is unable to take action against them as per its commitments to the four-nation group, then they should be handed over to our Islamic courts so they are tried and punished for their crimes,” Ghani said.

On the other hand, what needs to be done on the part of ANSF is to scale up their military pressure on the Taliban and other lunatic fringes so as to reverse their momentum and dismantle their capability to continue to inflict casualties on civilians and security personnel alike.