Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Need to Transition to a New Mode of Being

Afghanistan cannot continue to remain in limbo for goods and must transition into modernity and development. Transition to modernity, as a discourse and process, concerns conflict and peace as well. The country has been through failures and stalemates in this process in the last one hundred years. This ethos has never taken foothold for various reasons such as foreign interferences and the nature of traditional culture as well as the radical reform movement launched, for instance, by King Amanullah during the third decade of twentieth century.

In many Afghan communities, fables and myths, superficial sentiments and sort of progress-resistant culture rule. Traditions, even negative, continue to remain sacred to our culture, causing discriminations and injustices in one way or another.

Around the turn of twenty first century, Afghanistan was catapulted into spotlight, with new opportunities rendered available. For the first time, the country entered into a period of high volume and great deal of interactions with modern, developed world and different cultures.

This provided Afghan people with new ways of perceiving the world and life. This is a great chance for the people to use to have breaks in continuity and throw back the shroud of myth under which Afghans have lived and continue to live.

A failure in this regard will move the country back for years and snatch the opportunity to come to benefit from the blessings of modern world. It is said about modernity that it is a "mode of being." This mode of being could be different from what is determined and regulated by totalitarian and repressive line of interpretation of religious teachings.

For instance, when the Taliban emerged from Kandahar, they would claim to be the liberators and deliverers but soon they themselves, down to their idealistic totalitarian and absolutist reading of religious messages turned into the most brutal and repressive regime, which claimed the lives of thousands of Afghans in mass killings and massacres. They applied the most primitive mode of being based on an amalgam of fundamentalist religious knowledge and harshest patriarchal tradition and culture.

The last decade has been a period of some significant developments in the field of education, women and human rights. Citizens are trying to adapt themselves to a new mode of being based on egalitarian approach to humans and their basic rights. But the environment for further exercise of such way of perceiving world, humanity and society needs to be maintained for some years to make sure that the transition to modernity has taken place successfully. International community can play a vital role in keeping this setting.